Rust Console Update Today – Hotfix 1.03.1 and Patch Notes

Home Game Rust Console Update Today – Hotfix 1.03.1 and Patch Notes

A new Rust console update — 1.03.1 Hotfix — has arrived today for Xbox users, which should solve the frequent crashing problem on their consoles.

Rust has been available on the PC since 2018, but it took some time to make its to the consoles. The Rust Console Edition saw its full release for both Xbox and PS4 last month on May 20.

While several console gamers were looking forward to playing Rust, the release hasn’t been without any hitches.

Update 1.03 is nearly here for Rust Console Edition, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. The first major post-launch patch for Rust Console Edition arrived just in time for the full release, fixing a handful of early access bugs that some players were running into. The launch period has not been as smooth as it could be, however, and there are still quite a few issues plaguing the game at the moment. The latest patch aims to fix some of the more urgent problems with the game, so the experience should be a bit more stable once it’s installed. Here’s everything new with Rust Console Edition update 1.03.

Rust Console Edition Update 1.03 Patch Notes

  • Fixed Random 5 second freeze;
  • Fixed Invisible skins;
  • Fixed Voice chat fixed;
  • Fixed Fall through Launch Site floor;
  • Fixed Ladders not climbable;
  • Fixed Team system issues;
  • Fixed Missing rock and torch on spawn;
  • Fixed Monument generation fixes;
  • Fixed Spawn point distribution fix;
  • Fixed Missing Deluxe/Ultimate skin packs;
  • Fixed Crash fixes.

The update is still currently being worked on, but it should become available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sometime in the near future. This patch fixes the random 5 second freeze that some players have been encountering while playing the game. This bug has understandably been frustrating, so it’s nice to see a fix for it. Skin problems will also be addressed in this patch, so there shouldn’t be invisible skins anymore and deluxe/ultimate edition owners will be able to see their special skins after installing this update.


A few days ago, the patch notes for Rust Console Update 1.03 were released. It came with fixes for a slew of bugs that were spoiling the game for many players.

It is to be noted that Rust developers released the 1.03 update only for Xbox at that time, while asking PlayStation players to wait a little longer for the update.

While PlayStation 4 players were left dry without any updates, the Xbox players didn’t experience any better. Despite the update, Xbox players also continued to face frequent crashes.

Now the Rust Console Edition team is back with another 1.03.1 Hotfix for Xbox users. The hotfix is live and Xbox players should check it out right away.

While the developers didn’t delve much into the details of this new update, they promised it fix the issues that Xbox users have been facing.

In case you don’t see the update, you are advised to restart your Xbox and recheck for updates.


As mentioned in the tweet above, the Rust console update for PS4 is yet to arrive. We are expecting to see it within a week. So we shall update this article accordingly whenever it goes live.

Some other major issues have been ruining the experience for new players, but these issues will be resolved with this update. The bug that causes new players to spawn naked without a rock or torch will be addressed with patch 1.03. Ladders will work as intended as well, preventing players from getting stuck in places like the gas station. There will also be other miscellaneous improvements like fixes for the Team system and adjustments to spawn point distribution and monument generation. Update 1.03 is shaping up to be a pretty great patch, and it will be out sometime soon for Rust Console Edition players.

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