If you've been on the hunt for the latest Moonlight Sculptor coupon codes, your quest ends here. Despite the game ceasing operations, we've compiled a comprehensive list of both active and expired codes. This fantasy MMORPG, akin to a sandbox ArcheAge-like experience, captivates players with its enchanting design and challenging mechanics. To enhance your gaming journey, we've gathered all the details on how to redeem these codes and unlock valuable rewards.
Moonlight Sculptor Coupon Codes
No Active Codes
Unfortunately, there are no current active codes. However, don't be disheartened; we have a trove of expired codes that might still hold some surprises.
Expired Codes
- LOVEISINTHEAIR (Reward: Radiant Goddess Blessing for 3 days)
- LOVEISMOONLIGHT (Reward: EXP Increase Elixir for 3 days)
- Breezy1 (Reward: Breezy Travel Wear)
- Breezy2 (Reward: Breezy Hat)
- Breezy3 (Reward: Breezy Gloves)
- LegendarySculptor – 50x Red Butterflies
- ArpenKingdom – 50,000 Gold
How to Redeem Moonlight Sculptor Codes on iOS and Android
Claiming codes is a straightforward process, even if you're a newcomer navigating the cluttered menu. Follow these steps for a quick and seamless redemption:
- Open the official Moonlight Sculptor coupon code redemption page.
- Select your region (server) - America, Asia, or Europe.
- Find your user number in Settings -> Account. Ensure you use the ID for the character you want the rewards sent to.
- Input the code and click Redeem.
Your rewards will soon arrive in your in-game mailbox. For Android users, an alternative redemption option is available:
Alternative Option to Redeem Coupon Codes on Android
This method is exclusive to Android devices and provides an alternative way to redeem your codes:
- Open the Options menu in the top right corner of the screen.
- Navigate to the Settings menu.
- Select the Account tab.
- Tap on the Coupon button.
- Input your code and confirm.
How to Get More Moonlight Sculptor Codes?
Stay updated on the latest codes and game developments by following the official Twitter page or joining the Moonlight Sculptor community on the Discord server. For a hassle-free experience, bookmark this page and check back weekly for updates on new coupon codes.
FAQs - Moonlight Sculptor Coupon Codes
- Are there currently active Moonlight Sculptor coupon codes?
- Unfortunately, there are no active codes at the moment. However, keep an eye on official channels for updates on new releases.
- What rewards can I expect from expired coupon codes?
- Expired codes may offer various rewards, such as exclusive wearables, in-game currency, and temporary buffs. Check the list for details on each code.
- How often are new Moonlight Sculptor coupon codes released?
- New codes are sporadically released. To stay updated, follow the official Twitter page, join the Discord community, or revisit our guide weekly for the latest additions.
- Can I redeem coupon codes on both iOS and Android devices?
- Yes, the primary redemption method works on both iOS and Android. However, Android users have an additional alternative method outlined in our guide.
- What should I do if I encounter issues redeeming a code?
- If you face difficulties redeeming a code, double-check the region/server selection and user number input. Ensure you follow the instructions precisely. If issues persist, contact Moonlight Sculptor's support for assistance.