Home Entertainment Russell Hubbard Missing Update 2023: Bethany Police Department Finds Boy Safe

Russell Hubbard Missing Update 2023: Bethany Police Department Finds Boy Safe

Russell Hubbard Missing Update 2023: Bethany Police Department Finds Boy Safe
Russell Hubbard Missing Update

The Russell Hubbard missing case has just received a crucial update. To get all the details, make sure to read this article in its entirety.

Russell Hubbard Missing Update
Russell Hubbard Missing Update

Russell Hubbard, a 10-year-old boy, has been a hot topic on the internet lately due to his recent disappearance. Concerns grew as news spread about his sudden absence, prompting a wave of support from the online community as his family sought help in locating him.

The Bethany Police Department promptly took action upon receiving the report of his disappearance, working tirelessly to assist the family in this distressing situation. In today's article, we bring you the latest update on this case.

Bethany Russell Hubbard Missing Update

Russell Hubbard was reported missing, but there's a fresh update from the Bethany Police Department: the missing boy has been found safe and sound. The police issued a statement confirming Russell's safe return to his home.

KOCO, a news outlet, also reported on this development, although they have wisely decided to withhold the child's name and photo now that he is no longer missing. This update has brought immense relief to those who were deeply concerned about young Hubbard's well-being.

Social media played a pivotal role in spreading the news of Russell's disappearance, with countless individuals sharing the story across various platforms. The concerted efforts of both the online community and the Bethany Police Department have led to this positive outcome.

While the Bethany Police Department has not disclosed specific details about Russell's whereabouts, it is clear that the boy is safe and has been reunited with his family.

Russell Hubbard Missing Report Explained

Russell Hubbard's name gained widespread attention when his family reported his disappearance. According to the Bethany Police, Russell began walking home from Western Oaks Elementary School at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday but failed to arrive at his destination.

Concerned for their child's safety, his parents contacted the police at 4:30 p.m., and they immediately launched a search operation. The news of his disappearance was shared far and wide as the community rallied to support the family during this trying time.

Russell Hubbard went missing and the recent update has left everyone happy as the boy is safe
Russell Hubbard went missing and the recent update has left everyone happy as the boy is safe ( Source: Facebook )

It's important to note that Russell went missing in Bethany, OK, but fortunately, the case has reached a positive resolution, with the missing child being found safe and sound.

Nevertheless, many people still have questions about this incident. To address these queries, we provide further details about Russell Hubbard below.

Short Details About Russell Hubbard

Russell Hubbard is a ten-year-old boy whose name came to the forefront of media attention when his family reported his disappearance on a Thursday. It's worth noting that his name is sometimes spelled as "Russell," which has caused some confusion among sources.

At the time of his disappearance, Russell was wearing a teal blue shirt, navy shorts, and carrying a dark blue backpack. The news of his disappearance also caught the attention of Crime Soup Podcast, who took to Twitter to help spread the word:

"Bethany Police need help to find 10-year-old Russel Hubbard. They say he started walking home from Western Oaks Elementary School at 3:30 pm today but has not arrived."

Russell Hubbard is a 10 year old boy who went missing on Thursday
Russell Hubbard is a 10 year old boy who went missing on Thursday ( Source: KOCO )

Now that the missing boy has been found safe and sound, the case has concluded, and Russell Hubbard is undoubtedly back with his relieved family.


In conclusion, the Russell Hubbard missing case of 2023 has reached a positive resolution with the Bethany Police Department successfully finding the young boy safe and sound. This article has provided a comprehensive update on the situation, shedding light on the events leading up to Russell's disappearance and the community's efforts to assist his family during this challenging time.

The support from social media played a crucial role in spreading awareness about Russell's disappearance, showcasing the power of community engagement in times of crisis. While specific details about Russell's location have not been disclosed for privacy reasons, the most important news is that he is now safely back with his family.

This heartwarming outcome serves as a testament to the collective efforts of law enforcement, the online community, and concerned individuals who rallied behind the cause. As the case comes to a close, it reaffirms the importance of unity and collaboration in the face of adversity, offering hope and solace to families in similar situations.


Q1: When did Russell Hubbard go missing?

A1: Russell Hubbard was reported missing after he started walking home from Western Oaks Elementary School at 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday.

Q2: Who reported Russell Hubbard missing?

A2: Russell's parents reported him missing when he failed to arrive home after leaving school.

Q3: How was Russell Hubbard found?

A3: The Bethany Police Department located Russell Hubbard and confirmed his safe return home.

Q4: What role did social media play in Russell Hubbard's case?

A4: Social media played a significant role in spreading the news of Russell's disappearance, leading to a community-wide effort to help locate him.

Q5: What were Russell Hubbard's physical characteristics at the time of his disappearance?

A5: Russell Hubbard was ten years old, wearing a teal blue shirt, navy shorts, and carrying a dark blue backpack when he went missing.