If your favorite game is also Runway then there is good news for you. You will be glad to know that Hi-Rez has unveiled the upcoming Rogue Company Runway update and we have the full list of patch notes but for that, you will have to stay with us till the end. Let us tell you that this update is going to arrive tomorrow, but the developers have already given us a glimpse of what to expect. First, there's a new rookie coming to the game called Runaways with a new Weapon Mastery system. You can also expect the usual set of bug fixes to be included in it.
We're sorry to inform you that we don't have the update file size yet for this Rogue Company Runway Update, but will add it here once the patch goes live. Scroll down this page for more information about the Rogue Company Runway Update.
Rogue Company Runway Update Patch Notes
Here are the official patch notes for Rogue Company Runway Update that will roll out tomorrow to all the supported platforms of the game:
- New Rogue: Runway
- New System: Weapon Mastery
- Visual overhaul for shooting range
- 50+ bug fixes included
Runway Update (PTS) Patch Notes
New Rogue – Runway
Raised by spies from opposite sides of the Cold War, Runway was an agent who used a career as a globe-trotting fashion model as cover for espionage. These days she uses the knowledge from her past to run a dicey double business making sure every customer who leaves one of her E7 stores is dressed to kill.
Weapon Classes: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle
Melee: Katana
- Trip Mine
- Semtex Grenade
- Beserker
- Padded Steps
- Helping Hand
- Nimble Hands
- Tracker Rounds
- Headstrong
- Supply on Demand: Throw a briefcase that grants infinite ammunition and refills gadgets
- Fully Loaded: Carry two primary weapons
Weapon Mastery
The Weapon Mastery system is a brand new way to progress your favorite weapons, earn new wraps, and unlock the ability to use your favorite weapons on other rogues that fight with the same weapon types.
- Weapons will no longer be confined to specific Rogues but each Rogue will be assigned Classes
- Weapon Classes are: Assault Rifles, Designated Marksman Rifles (DMR), Light Machine Guns (LMGs), Sniper Rifles, and Submachine Guns (SMGs), Pistols, and Melee
- Each time you play with weapons in their Class you will receive Mastery Points allowing you to unlock that weapons to use with other Rogues who share that class.
- Mastering each class will earn you a unique reward
Reactive Weapon Wraps are available for earning enough Mastery points for each class. These unique wraps will show animated visual effects around the weapon and are truly worthy of a Weapons Master.
New: Shooting Range
Even elite Rogue’s need practice and what better place to do this than a brand new shooting range? Try various Rogues, weapons, abilities and prepare yourself for your next mission.
We’re not looking at removing what makes the conviction special. The gun is special because it gains accuracy and becomes more effective in longer firefights. We want to keep that aspect of the Conviction intact, but reduce the accuracy ceiling so it doesn’t become such a laser beam.
- Max Firing Accuracy gain has been reduced
- Max Aimed Firing accuracy gain has been reduced
- Accuracy gained per shot has been reduced
The D3D-i is a very lethal weapon that was previously capable of killing with 3 body shots at any range. Now beyond a distance of 30 meters this weapon will take an extra shot to kill.
- Reduced damage from 34 to 30.
- Increased damage falloff
The 24s is a ‘jack of all trades’ SMG, though previously its accuracy and damage outside of optimal range was stronger than assault rifles within its optimal range. This change means that the 24s kills a little slower outside of its optimal range, and will no longer outgun assault rifles.
- Increased damage falloff
Though originally the mainstay of the assault rifle class, with recent introductions the KA30 has fallen off. These changes should make it more competitive with the other weapons in its class.
- Increased headshot damage from 29 to 31.
- Increased damage from 18 to 22.
- Reduced accuracy loss per shot.
Similar to the 24s, the SLC was capable of killing faster than assault rifles outside of its optimal range. While this was challenging with the intense kick of the SL-C, one of the most close ranged SMGs should not be going head to head with assault rifles in their range.
- Increased damage falloff outside of optimal range.
The Sahara is an assault rifle that excels when the user hits every single shot. However, that was a little too easy and reliable, especially at range. This is only a very slight reduction, but the optimal Sahara kill-time will now require a little more finesse at the back end of its optimal range.
- Increased accuracy loss per shot.
- Replaced EMP with Adrenaline Shot
- Passive deals 2x damage now.
We made some adjustments to the projectile speed and gravity of the C4. The result is that C4 should now hit the ground sooner than it did before, but still have a very similar throwing distance and experience.
- Adjusted projectile speed and gravity
Rogue Company is now out for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms. Hope you will be satisfied with this article. Don’t forget to bookmark our page if you want to read more game updates and news