Are you an avid Roblox fan looking to buy Robux directly from the source? Do you have a beloved Roblox creator you wish to support? Enter Star Codes, the key to directly contributing to your favorite creators' success! In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the mystery behind Roblox Star Codes, offering you a deep dive into how they work and how you can utilize them to support your preferred content creators.
Roblox Star Codes List
For those unfamiliar, Star Codes are exclusive, unique identifiers that empower players to financially support their beloved content creators. Here are some currently active Star Codes:
- 3SB Games - 3sb
- 440HP - 440hp
- Aati Plays - Aati
- Abbaok - Abbaok
- AbsintoJ - ABJ
- AidanGamerHD - Aidan
- Alex - Crafted
- Aline Games - AlineGames
- Alonezinho X – Alonezinho
- Alles Ava Gaming - Ava
- AlphaGG - AlphaGG
- AlvinBlox - AlvinBlox
- Amberry - Amberry
- Amy Lee - Amy
- Andre Nicholas - Andre
- Angelazz - Angels
- AnielicA - AnielicA
- Anix - Anix
- Annoying Orange Gaming - TootyFruit
- Ant - Ant
- Ant Antixx - Antixx
- ApplyingTM - TM
- Argo Play - Argo
- Armenti - Armenti
- AshleyBunni - Bunni
- Ashleyosity - Ashley
- AshleyTheUnicorn - Unicorn
- AtlasZero - AtlasZero
- Avocado Playz - Avocado
- Awhxliv – Liv
- Axiore - axiore
- Ayzria - Ayzria
- Baconhair Originals - Baconhair
- Bananinha - Delani
- bandi - bandi
- Bandites - Bandites
- Balekta07 - Baletka07
- Baxtrix - Baxtrix
- BeaPlays - Bea
- Bebe Milo - BebeMilo
- Benni - Benni
- Benx - Benx
- BereghostGames - TheFGNCrew
- Betroner y Noangy - BYN
- BiaGamer - BiaGamer
- BiancaNayi - BiancaNayi
- Biel Henrique - Biel
- bigbst4tz2 - BIGB2
- BigDadT - Clover
- BIGHEAD - bighead
- BitSquid - BitSquid
- Blah Squad - Icy
- Blam Spot - Blam
- Blox4Fun - Blox4Fun
- Blue Blob - BLOB
- BlueBug - Blue
- Bluxxy Gaming - Bluxxy
- BolzarX - Bolz
- Bonnie Builds - Tulips
- Bubbles - bubbles
- Builderboy TV - Builderboy
- Buur - Buur
- BramP - bramP
- Brancoala Games - Brancoala
- BriannaPlayz - Brianna
- Brincando com a Keke - Keke
- BrittanyPlays - Brittany
- Bv0j – Beevee
- ByDerank - ByDerank
- callmehhaley - CMH
- Calixo - Calixo
- Canal Cahcildis - Cahcildis
- CaptainJackAttack - Attack
- Captainly - Cap
- Captain Capi – Capi
- CaptainTate21 - Captain
- Carakuchi - kuchi
- Carbon Meister Plays - Carbon
- Cari - Cari
- Carol TV - CarolTV
- CatFer - CatFer
- Catypink Juega - Catypink
- Caylus - Caylus
- Ceeberry - Ceeberry
- Celestial Roblox - Celestial
- Cerority - Cero
- Cerso - Cerso
- Cheo Power - CheoPower
- CherryAhrizona - CherryBaby
- ChillzCx - Chillz
- Chocoblox - Chocoblox
- Chrisandthemike - Chrisatm
- Christocream - Cream
- Chrisu Gaming - Chrisu
- cKev - ckev
- Claus - Clausofc
- Cleanse Beam - Clean
- Comfy Sunday - Cutely
- Complex Roblox - Complex
- Cookie Cutter - CANDY
- Conor3D - Conor3D
- corny - corny
- Cortesgo - Chidori
- Cosmic - Cosmic
- CQQP - cqqp
- CraftedRL - Crafted
- Craxel - craxel
- CrazyErzy - CrazyErzy
- Cryptize- cryptize
- CrystalSims - Crystal
- Curtified – Curt
- Cute Cookie Gaming – CuteCookie
- Cybernova - Cybernova
- Daffa Super - Daffa
- DandanPH - Dandan
- Danny Jesden - Danny
- DaPanda Girl - PandaWanda
- DatBrian - DatBrian
- Daylin's FunHouse - FunSquad
- deathvanessa - Death
- DeeterPlays - DeeterPlay
- Devoun - Mango
- DefildPlays - Defild
- DeGoBloX - Dego
- Denis - Denis
- Dexter Playz - Dexter
- DfieldMark - DfieldMark
- DigitizedPixels – Digi
- Digito Plays - Digito
- Digopollo - Pollo
- DimerDillon - DIMER
- Divine – Divine
- DogBon62 – DogBon
- DOLLASTIC PLAYS! - Dollastic
- Dom - Dom
- Dr Laba - Laba
- Draconite Dragon - Draco
- Dragonplatinum – Dragon
- DV Plays - DV
- elemperadormaxiyt - Emperador
- El Magnum - ElMagnum
- El Trollino - Trollino
- elDanielGT - DanielGT
- Elite - E
- elitelupus - elite
- Ephicsea - Ephicsea
- Elemental – Elemental
- Elyas360 - elyas
- Emily vs Evelyn Gaming - EandE
- EmpireBlox - EmpireBlox
- ErikCarr - ErikCarr
- ErnieC3 - ErnieC3
- Euri Wings - Euri
- Evanbear1 - EB1
- EYYCHEEV - Stronk
- Fadedplayz - Faded
- Faeglow - Glow
- FancySmash - Fancy
- FakerUp - fakerup
- FanaticalLight - Fanatic
- Fer999 - Fer
- Fera - Ferabux
- Fini Juega - Fini
- Fishy - Fishy
- Flamingo - Flamingo
- Flashii - Flashii
- Flebsy - Flebsy
- Flexer97YT - Otaku
- Flxral - Flxral
- Flyborg - Flyborg
- FoamyBubbles - Foamy
- Folix - Folix
- Foltyn - Foltyn
- Foncri - Foncri
- ForeverSparks - Sparks
- Fraser2TheMax - F2TM
- Frenchrxses - Rose
- Frite - Frite
- FUDZ - Fudz
- FunkySquadHD - Funky
- FunnyBunny - bunny
- FunPiggy - Piggy
- Furious Jumper - Furious
- FusionZGamer - Fusion
- Futura - Futura
- Gaby gamer - Gaby
- GallantGaming - Gallant
- Gamer Hexapod - Hexapod
- Gamer Kawaii - kawaii
- GamerNom - GamerNom
- GamingMermaid - Mermaid
- GamingWithKev - GWKFamily
- GamingwithVYT - V
- Geko97 - Otaku
- GianBlox - GianBlox
- GhostInTheCosmos – Ghost
- Glitch - Glitch
- Godstatus - Status
- GoingLimited - GOING
- GoldenGlare - Gold
- GonGon - GonGon
- gorygaming24601 - Gory
- grace k - gracek
- GraserPlays - graser
- Gravycatman - Gravy
- GroovyDominoes52 - Groovy
- Gunslaya - Gun
- HandN - HandN
- hannahlovescows - Cows
- haramics - haram
- Heorua - Heo
- Heyhana – Hana
- HeyItsJames - James
- Hey Misty – Misty
- HeyRosalina - Rosalina
- hey sant - HeySant
- HelloItsVG - VG
- HappyBlack - happyblack
- Hoops the Bee - Hoops
- HW5567 - HW5567
- Hxyila - Hxyila
- Hyper - Hyper
- HyperCookie - Cookie
- I_lovejava - Java
- iAirRon - Air
- iamSanna - iamSanna
- ianut - ianut
- ibemaine - IBeMaine
- IBella - Bella
- iBugou - iBugou
- iDakeeCore - iDakeeCore
- iDatchy – iDatchy
- iFresproYT - iFres
- iGuz - iGuz
- ImaGamerGirl - gamergirl
- Inemafoo - Inemafoo
- Infernasu - Infernasu
- iKotori - iKotori
- IntelPlayz - INTELPLAYZ
- inquisitormaster - Alex
- invictor - invictor
- iTown Gameplay - iTown
- ItsLimey - Limey
- It's Akeila - Akeila
- Its Ashley Playz YT - Ash
- Its Matty - Matty
- ItsFunneh - Funneh
- ItsMatrix - Matrix
- Its Starlight Plays Yt - Starlight
- Its SugarCoffee - SugarCoffe
- It's Siena - Siena
- ItzzMelisa - Melisaaa
- ItzSweaking - Sweaking
- ItzVexo - ItzVexo
- Jackeryz - Jack
- Jake Globox - Globox
- Jake Pudding - Pudim
- Jameskii - Jameskii
- Jamie ThatBloxer - Jamie
- Janet and Kate - TEAMJK
- Joao joao - joaojoao
- jatatochip - jatato
- javie12 - javie12
- Jayingee - Jake
- J-Bug - jbug
- JD - JD
- Jeffblox - Jeffblox
- Jeffo - Jeffo
- Jeenius - Jeen
- JeromeASF - Jerome
- Jenstine - jenstine
- jeruhmi - cat
- JessEmma - Butterfly
- jessetc - Jesse
- JesuaCunnigham - Jesua
- Jie GamingStudio - JIE
- Joe Albanese - Joe
- JoeyDaPlayer - Joey
- JoJocraftHP - JoJo
- JudoUnicorn - Judo
- Juegahora - Zanahoria
- Juicy John - Juicy
- Julia MineGirl -MineGirl
- Junell Dominic - Dora
- JunRoots - JunRoots
- JustHarrison - Harry
- Jvnq - Jvnq
- JymbowSlice - Jymbow
- Kaden Fumblebottom - Kaden
- Karim Juega - KarimJuega
- Karola20 - Karola20
- Kavra - Kavra
- Kawaii Kunicorn - kunicorn
- Keisyo - cat
- KepuTheCat - Kepu
- Kelvingts - Kelvin
- KidsToysPlay - KTP
- Kindly Keyin Star - Keyin
- King Luffy - Luffy
- KingOfYouTube - King
- KittGaming - Kitt
- Kitsubee - kit
- Kodak - Kodak
- Kori - Kori
- KraoESp - KraoESp
- KreekCraft - RealKreek
- KrystinPlays - Krystin
- KTG Gaming - KTG
- LanaRae - Lana
- LaniRoblox - LANI
- LankyBox - LankyBox
- LariGamer - LariGamer
- Laughability - Laugh
- LavenderBlossom - Lav
- Lawlieet 20 - Lawlieet20
- LazarBeam - LAZAR
- LcLc - LcLc
- Leah Ashe - LeahAshe
- Legolaz - Legolaz
- Leshero Morrazo – Leshero
- LiaBlossoms - Blossoms
- Liege North - Liege
- Lilly bloxTV – Lillyblox
- limamosca - Limamosca
- Linkmon99 - Linkmon99
- LinMeiLee – Lin
- L0GinHDi - LOGinHDi
- locus - locus
- Lokis - Lokis
- Lonnie - Lonnie
- Lons Gamer - Lons
- Lord - Lord
- LovelyEla - Ela
- Lucero - Luceroblox
- Luky- Luky
- LunaBlox - LunaBlox
- Lunar Eclipse - Lunar
- Luuy - Luuy
- Luvxshine - Shine
- Luzablxx - LaLuza
- Lyna - Lyna
- Lyte – Lyte
- Mackenzie Turner Roblox - Cuties
- Maeva Games Videos - Maeva
- Magicbus - Magic
- Magikarp Films - Magikarp
- Mahadinoor Playz - Maha
- Maislie - Maislie
- MakotoUchiha - MakotoYT1
- Manucraft - manucraft
- Mariana Nana - MariNana
- MatrixPlaysRB - Matrix
- MathFacter360 - Math
- Matsbxb - Mats
- mayrushart - mayrushart
- MedTw - MedTw
- Melina - Melina
- MelzinhaMel Games - Melzinha
- MeganPlays - MeganPlays
- Metalizer - Metalizer
- MiaGames - MiaGames
- Miannn - Miannn
- Miauzinha - Miauzinha
- MICHI RØBLØX - MichuRblx
- MicroGuardian - Micro
- Mila FunPlayer - MilaFun
- MikeyDood - MIKEY
- MiniBloxia - Mini
- Mislicious Play - Mislicious
- MK - mk
- Model8197 - MODEL
- MoFlare - Moflare
- Moonfallx - Moon
- Mr_Booshot - Doge
- Mr.Bunny - MrBunny
- MrLokazo86 - MrLokazo86
- MrPankeyk - Pancake
- Mud Playz - Mud
- MuneebParwazMP - Muneeb
- Mxddsie - Pink
- MxghtyJxstin - Mighty
- Myster0y - Myster0y
- MyUsernamesThis - Bacon
- NanoProdigy - Nano
- Natasha Panda - Panda
- Nathy Super Gamer – NathySuper
- Natsuki Sel - NatsukiSel
- Nezi Plays Roblox - EpicSquad
- NicksDaga - NicksDaga
- Nicole Kimmi - Kiwwis
- Nicole Maffi - Maffi
- Night_foxx - NightFoxx
- Noangy - BYN
- Noclypso - Noclypso
- noekje - noe
- NO_DATA - purple
- Noob Master - Noob
- NotThnxCya - ThnxCya
- Notive - Notive
- O1G - O1G
- ObliviousHD - Oblivious
- OfficialNoobie - Noobie
- oGVexx - oGVexx
- Okeh Gaming TV - Okeh
- okgamerman - Playonyx
- OMB Gaming – OMB
- Ominous Nebula - Ominous
- OneSpottedFriend - Friend
- Oscar - Oscar
- OurFire Plays – Ourfire
- PaintingRainbows - Rainbow
- PandazPlay - Pandaz
- PandinhaGame - Pandinha
- Papile - Jupapile
- Paula Urbaez - Paulita
- PeepGuy - Peep
- PeetahBread - Peetah
- Peter Toys - PeterToys
- PGHLFilms - PGHLFilms
- Phoeberry - Phoeberry
- Pietragamesyt - pietrayt
- PiggyMasterZ - PMZ
- PiggyPlayz - Animal
- PinkfateGames - Pinky
- PinkLeaf - PinkLeaf
- Playonyx - Playonyx
- Plech - Plech
- Plique - Plique
- Poke - Poke
- PremiumSalad - Premium
- PrestonPlayz - Preston
- Pretzel Etzel - Pretzel
- PREZLEY - prezley
- Prime Furious - Prime
- Princess Royale - Princess
- Princess Tori - Tori
- Proder - Proder
- Proton Plays Roblox - proton
- PurxpleRblx - Purxple
- Qaluo - Qaluo
- Quimic - Quimic
- Raconidas - Raconidas
- Rainway - Rainway
- Rainster - Rainster
- Rambling Ramul - Ram
- Rareyma – Rarey
- Rax - Rax
- Razor - Razor
- RazorFishGaming - Razorfish
- Realistic Gaming - RealisticG
- RealMoby - Moby
- Realrosesarered - Realroses
- RebootedPoppy - Poppy
- Reddzzyx - Red
- RedKill - Redkill
- Red Weeb - RedWeeb
- Rektway - rektway
- RELL GAMES -rell
- Remainings - Remainings
- RenLeaf - PinkLeaf
- Razor - Razor
- RiusPlay - RiusPlay
- Roblox.az - az
- Roblox Minigunner - Minigunner
- Robstix - robstix
- Ropo - RopoRoblox
- Roof - roof
- Roplex Gaming - Roplex
- Rovi23 - Rovi23
- roxhiroblox - Roxy
- RoxiCake Gamer - Awadeuwu
- Royale Dior - Dior
- Royale Roleplay - Royale
- Ruby Games - Ruby
- RufflesOfficial - Ruffles
- RussoPlays - Russo
- ryguyrocky - Ryguyrocky
- Saoli - Saoli
- ScooterSmash0 - Smash
- ScriptedMatt - Scripted
- SD Mittens - SDMittens
- Sebee - Sebee
- Seedeng - See
- SeerRblx - seer
- Seniac - Seniac
- SeñoritoFran - SrFrances
- Shadow Network - Shadow
- ShanePlays - ShanePlays
- SharkBlox - SharkBlox
- Shaylo - Shaylo
- Signicial - Signicial
- Silent Playz - Silent
- Silly on Roblox - Silly
- SiimplyBubliie - bubliie
- SimplyCoco - Coco
- SimplySpring - Spring
- Sircheko - Luis2004
- Sketch - Sketch
- SkippyPlays – Skippy
- Sleghart - sleghart
- Sleigher - Sleigher
- Squid Magic - squid
- Smurfzin - smurf
- Snowi Fox – Snowi
- SnowRBX - snow
- Snug Life - Snug
- Socksfor3 – Socks
- SofiaTube - SofiaTube
- Sons of Fun - sons
- Sontix - Sontix
- So Por Causa - SoPorCausa
- Sopo Squad Gaming - sopo
- Soy Blue - azul
- SoyLuz – Luz
- Soy Mandy Games - Mandy
- Spek? - Spek
- Spiel Mit Mir - SpielMit
- SrJuancho - Juancho
- SrtaLuly - SrtaLuly
- Stanjee – Stanjee
- StaTick - Statick
- Stevebloxian - Steve
- Striker180x - Striker
- Stream Ca Roblox – Stream
- Stronbol - Stronbol
- Sub's Blox World - Sub
- Suliin18YT - Suliin18YT
- Super Dog Tyler - super
- Sunnyxmisty - sunny
- SunsetSafari - SUNSET
- SweePee - SweePee
- S_Viper - viper
- Tangochini - Tangochini
- TanqR - TanqR
- Tapparay - Tapparay
- TapWater - Tap
- TBNRwife - Brianna
- Teenager Paul - Paul
- Telanthric - Telanthric
- Temprist - temprist
- Terabrite Games - Brite
- Tex HS - TexHS
- TinenQa - TinenQa
- Tikida - Tikida
- ThatGuy - ThatGuy
- Th3c0nnman - Conn
- TheEvilShark - animal
- The Box Quiz - Boxy
- The Crystalline Gamerz - GEMZ
- The Frustrated Gamer - TFG
- TheGreatACE - ACE
- THE KAPOLAR - Kapolar
- The Meg and Mo Show -MEGA
- The Monkey - Monkey
- therealcybernova - Cybernova
- TheRoPo - RopoRoblox
- The Star Squad - StarSquad
- Thumbs Up Family - TUFGAMING
- Thinknoodles Noodles
- Thiq Betty - Thiq
- ThnxCya - ThnxCya
- Throbpenz - Papathar
- Tigre TV - tigretv
- Tinyturtle Roblox - Tinyturtle
- TitanHammerYT - Titan
- Tofuu - Tofuu
- ToxicJim - Toxic
- TrafTheOpest - Opest
- TroyanoNanoReturns - Troyanito
- True Entertainer - True
- Truffios - Truffios
- tsetYT - tsetyt
- Turtles Wear Raincoats - turtle
- TussyGames - Tussy
- TW Dessi - Dessi
- TwiistedPandora - Twiisted
- Tx_cle - Txcles
- Uncle Kizaru - Kizaru
- Unlimited - Unlimited
- unicorn_akeesha109 - akeesha
- Unicorn Twins - PIZZA
- V2 Plays - V2
- ValenLatina - ValenStar
- VarietyJay - VarietyJay
- VeD_DeV - VeDDeV
- View - View
- Volt - Volt
- VikingPrincessJazmin - VPJ
- Waike - Waike
- WikiaColors - Wiki
- Woozlo - Woozlo
- XanderPlaysThis - Xander
- xdarzethx - Gremlins
- Xegothasgot - Xegot
- XenoTy - Xeno
- XericPlayz - Xeric
- xEnesR - Enes
- xMarcelo - xMarcelo
- Xpie - Xpie
- xThyEdgarx - Edgar
- Xou - Xou
- Yayixd Changuito - Yayixd
- Yokai - Yokai
- YoSoyLoki - Loki
- yTowakGb - yTowakGb
- ZaiLetsPlay - Zai
- Zaze Blox - Zaze
- Zilgon - Zilgon
- ZacharyZaxor - TheSquad
- ZeDarkAlien - Zedark
- Zerophyx - zerophyx
- ZephPlayz - ZephPlayz
- Zepyxl - zepyxl
- zOnwley - Zon
- ZulyYT - ZulyYT
- Zurielini - Zurielini
What is a Star Code?
Roblox's Star Code system is designed to financially support content creators. Whenever a player uses a creator's Star Code, the creator receives 5% of the purchase amount. This process doesn't impact the price of Robux for players, making it a seamless way to support the creators you love.
How to Get a Star Code?
To obtain a Star Code, creators must meet specific criteria:
- 10,000,000 cumulative Roblox video views
- 25,000 average views per Roblox video
- 100,000 followers/subscribers on channel
Once these requirements are met, creators can request an invitation to the Video Stars Program. If approved, they gain access to their own unique Star Code.
How to Redeem a Star Code?
Redeeming a Star Code is effortless:
- Go to the Robux purchase page
- Select the desired Robux amount
- Click on "Click Here to add a Star Code"
- Paste the code into the text field
- Click "Add"
For the next two weeks, the Star Code holder receives 5% of any Robux purchase made. After this period, the code needs to be re-entered for continued support.
Why Use a Star Code?
Supporting your favorite creators through Star Codes is a win-win. It doesn't disrupt your checkout process and allows you to back their creativity by purchasing Robux you intended to buy anyway. Not sure who to support? Scroll through our list and explore new creators on YouTube. You might discover your next favorite Roblox content creator!
What's the Star Code Group?
The Video Stars Roblox group comprises every Roblox creator with a Star Code. Please note that this group is exclusive and not open for public membership.
If you're a Roblox enthusiast seeking more codes and freebies, check out our Roblox Game Codes and Roblox Promo Codes pages. There's a treasure trove of goodies waiting for you!
Q1: What are Roblox Star Codes?
A1: Roblox Star Codes are unique identifiers that allow players to financially support their favorite creators by providing them with 5% of the purchase amount made using the code.
Q2: How can I get a Star Code?
A2: To obtain a Star Code, creators need 10,000,000 cumulative Roblox video views, 25,000 average views per Roblox video, and 100,000 followers/subscribers on their channel. Once the requirements are met, they can request an invitation into the Video Stars Program.
Q3: How do I redeem a Star Code?
A3: Redeeming a Star Code involves going to the Robux purchase page, selecting the desired amount, clicking on "Click Here to add a Star Code," pasting the code, and clicking "Add." The Star Code holder receives 5% of the Robux purchase for the next two weeks.
Q4: Can I support multiple creators with different Star Codes?
A4: Yes, players can support multiple creators by using different Star Codes during their Robux purchases. Each code used supports the respective creator.
Q5: Are there any limitations to using Star Codes?
A5: Star Codes have no negative impact on the user's checkout process. They simply enable players to support creators without any additional costs, making it an excellent way to back their favorite Roblox content producers.