Rediffmail Not Working: How To Fix Rediffmail Not Working And Is Rediffmail Server Down Today?

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Rediffmail Not Working
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Rediffmail Not Working 

Rediffmail is one of the email providers that was founded by Ajit Balakrishnan in 1996. This is one email service that is preferred by and used by a huge number of people in the country aside from Gmail. But of late users of this service provider have been complaining that Rediffmail Not Working. When faced with the issue of Rediffmail Not Working users are inconvenienced especially when they are trying to access a website that they need to access their mail urgently. Generally, it is when these users face the issue of Rediffmail Not Working today that they begin looking for Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working, Is Rediff down and how to fix the same. Find out here what could be the possible reasons for Rediffmail Not Working today and how to fix the issue if there is an issue of is Rediffmail not working right now.

Is Rediffmail Not Working Right Now?

As of right now, Rediffmail seems to be working all right but the issue of Rediffmail Not Working is an issue that many have been facing in recent times. Thus the answer to is Rediffmail server down today is no. The developers of the server seem to have no answers for the same but it is quite clear that users have been facing issues of Rediffmail Not Working today as there have been queries on the website wherein users who have faced the issue of Rediffmail Not Working today posted questions like why My Rediffmail Server Not Working. There are a number of reasons for Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working some of which are on part of the servers and the developers while others could be because of issues on part of the user.

Is Rediffmail Server Down Today?

As stated earlier there seems to be nothing wrong with Rediffmail currently and as such the answer to Is Rediffmail Not Working Right Now, is no, as Rediffmail is working fine. But the issue of Rediffmail Not Working is not an issue that is always very generalised. Sometimes the issue of Rediffmail Not Working today is found only in a few devices. This could be because there is something wrong with that specific device. Find out in the sections below what could be the possible reasons for Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working and the solutions for the same.

Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working?

Below are some of the common and general reasons Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working.

  • Internet Issues
  • Connectivity to server issues
  • Issues with the Server
  • Changes in the settings in your device

Why Rediffmail is not working?

Their may be many reasons behind not working of Rediffmail.

Maybe the Rediffmail server is down or the website is under maintenance. Other then this, there are other common issues that can interrupt your service.

But the most common problem is? Rediffmail is not opening or email is not going. This can be a real problem, for obvious reasons, especially for those who need it urgently.

If you are facing trouble while accessing Rediffmail App or website, read on. You will find a number of fixes for it.

Below are the most common solution which may help to access Rediffmail.

  • May be the Rediffmail server is busy or down, so wait for some time.
  • Wait for some time because it may be in maintenance mode.
  • Check Your Internet Connection.
  • Check Device date and time setting.
  • Restart Your Phone / computer.
  • Try to use different browser.
  • Clear app’s data and cache.
  • Update Your Device.

If this solution did not work then you can make contact with the Rediffmail team.

How To Fix Rediffmail Not Working?

There are two major ways to fix the issue of Rediffmail Not Working today. Now that we have identified the possible reasons for the same, the fix is all the easier. But before we proceed with how to fix Rediffmail Not Working today let us try once more to see if the Rediffmail is working

  • Launch your default browser
  • Now head over to Rediffmail
  • Sign in using your Login credentials
  • If this does not sign in to your account You might be faced with the issue of Rediffmail Not Working
  • The first step in solving the issue of Rediffmail Not Working is to see if there are server outages
  • There are a number of websites that informs the user about a server outage
  • If there is a server outage all you can do is wait for the server to be restored
  • If there are no server outages go ahead and try the following steps that might help in the process of fixing Rediffmail Not Working

Step 1

  • Clearing browser cache
  • On the right top corner of your browser you will find the option for more portrayed by three vertical dots
  • Click on that
  • This will bring the drop down menu
  • Here select History
  • On the left corner you will find Clear Browsing Data
  • Select that
  • Check all the boxes in the prompt that appears before you
  • And select Clear Data
  • This should solve the issue of Rediffmail Not Working

Step 2

  • If you are using a Rediffmail that is connected or linked to Outlook 
  • You will need to check the server settings to make sure there is nothing there that is obstructing and causing the issue of Rediffmail not working

Step 3

  • Make sure you login using the correct login credentials. Also keep in mind that Rediffmail is case sensitive

Step 4

  • If none of these work and the issue of Rediffmail not working persists you can try removing and reading your account
  • You can also try reinstalling rediffmail.
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  • Rediffmail not working today,
  • Why My Rediffmail Server Not Working,
  • Is Rediff down,
  • is Rediffmail server down today,
  • is Rediffmail not working right now
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Rediffmail Not Working- FAQs

Why is my Rediff email account not working?

There may be many reasons behind not working with Rediffmail. Maybe the Rediffmail server is down or the website is under maintenance. Other than this, there are other common issues that can interrupt your service. But the most common problem is? Rediffmail is not opening or email is not going.

What to do if is down?

If is actually down then you can resolve the issue by doing the following: Wait for the site to go up again. Post an inquiry at its forum, Twitter or Facebook Page. Search here for an alternative. If is not connecting or not working right now for you then try its alternatives.

Is there a problem with Rediffmail in India?

[Resolved]Rediffmail - Email locked[Resolved] India - My email hacked-shaiju [email protected]2[Resolved] India - My Rediffmail Account is Hacked plz recover my account[Resolved]Rediffmail - [email protected]got hacked[Resolved] India - Rediffmail Email Account [email protected] View all 2293 India Reviews

What to do if is not working?

The lower the response time, the better. If is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below. Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. This should work on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

Is Rediffmail not working today? is UP and reachable by us. The above graph displays service status activity for over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller.

Why Rediffmail is not opening in Mobile? The main cause of this issue is the improper configuration of Outlook Express Client. To resolve this issue, first, make sure that your device is connected to the internet. Check the Outlook Express settings and modify them if required. Step 1: Open Outlook Express.

How can I reactivate my Rediffmail account?

We activate your Rediffmail Pro Account as soon as we receive your payment. Once your account is activated, we will send your Rediffmail Pro Username and Password to your current email address. You can visit and log in with your Username and Password.

Does anyone use rediffmail?

Yup, people still use Rediff and I've seen people use the mail service provided by Rediff and I do think it is profitable too. As I have visited it right now and the news site i.e. News | Rediffmail | Stock Quotes | Shopping is monetized with Google ads.

Is rediffmail safe?

Recent quality reports have classified with a low-risk profile as most accounts originating from this domain are valid and safe. is currently ranked as the 10,190th most popular website online based on visits from recent web traffic.

How can I reactivate my rediffmail account for free?

There is no other way to activate your account. If the system is asking you to make a payment, then you just have to do that before gaining access to your rediffmail account.

How can I open spam on rediffmail?

After you open the email by clicking on it in the inbox, you'll see a bar with options on top of the email content. Look for the option that says “Spam” and click on it. Marking an unwanted email as “spam” helps rediffmail in learning to identify unwanted email senders, and keeping them away from your inbox.

How can I open rediffmail account in Mobile?

Rediffmail Email Setup for Android

Enter your email address then click Manual Setup button. Select POP account. Congratulations, Now you can send and receive email on your Android device

Is Rediffmail is banned?

No, currently Rediffmail is not banned.

Is Rediffmail is Closed?

No, currently Rediffmail is not closed.

How to contact Rediffmail team?

Rediffmail Customer care number is 022-61820000 or you can write to them on

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