Home Game Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes, Welcome to the New Horizon

Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes, Welcome to the New Horizon

Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes, Welcome to the New Horizon
Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes
Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes
Outriders Update 1.017 Patch Notes

If your favorite game is also Outriders then there is good news for you. You'll be glad to know that Square Enix and People Can Fly Studios have announced the release of Update 1.017 for Outreaders, and here's the full list of patch notes. But to get this you have to stay with us till the end. For information, let us tell you that the update is said to bring four new missions as New Horizon makes its way to the game. A lot of new content is being added to the game along with new updates along with some much needed improvements and bug fixes.

You are ready with data pack and Wi-Fi to download this patch. Let us tell you that the game update is available on all platforms as we speak and players can get their hands on it now, absolutely free. Unfortunately, we're still unsure of the update's file size, but will let you know as soon as we get our hands on it. For more information about Outriders Update 1.017, scroll down this page.

Outriders Patch Notes: Update 1.017

Here are the official patch notes for Outriders Update 1.017, available on all supported platforms:

Change Notes Overview for the New Horizon Update

Headline Changes:

  • Expedition Timers have been removed
  • Four New Expeditions Added
  • Transmog System Added
  • Tiago’s Store has been Reworked
  • Legendary Loot Drops and Farming Information and Changes
  • Changes to Legendary Sets
  • Changes to Mods + Bug Fixes
  • Changes to Class Trees + Bug Fixes
  • Changes to Skills + Bug Fixes
  • The Stadia version can now also crossplay with all other platforms.

General Changes:

  • The video that plays when launching Outriders can now be skipped on all platforms apart from PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
  • The Eye of the Storm now includes a pick-and-choose Legendary item reward.
  • Added a Quick Mark functionality to Vendors.
  • Improved the readability of Mod descriptions, especially when viewed on a large TV or Monitor. This change means that certain information is now viewed on the Details window rather than in the Quick View window.
  • Reduced the volume of background audio of certain menu and loading screens.
  • Added a minimum damage limit for the Brood Mother’s “Perforate” ability. This will ensure the ability does not have too large of a disparity in its min/max damage output.
  • Changed the Heir to the Desert configuration so that it now plays like an Assault Rifle (as intended and described) rather than a Submachine Gun.

Bug Fixes General:

  • Fixed a progress blocker in the “Mentor” main quest which would prevent a cutscene from triggering.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Alpha Perforo’s to break out of CC (such as the Frozen or Ash status effects) if they were staggered.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Heart of the Wild” Expedition from progressing if a Venomous Perforo was the last enemy to die during one of the battles.
  • Fixed a bug in the “Chem Plant” Expedition that could cause the the player’s primary weapon to use the mods of their secondary weapon if they changed weapons while activating the lever.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the end of Expeditions summary screen to not display true values for the “Damage Blocked” stat.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the FOV to reset itself under certain conditions on PC.
  • Resolved issues related to ingame invites not being received under certain conditions.
  • Various other bug and crash fixes.

Bug Fixes to Mods:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Moaning Winds” mod to deal different damage between Host and Client. It was previously triggering twice for Client players. The damage on Client will now match the damage on Host.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent mods inserted in armor from properly scaling with the armors level if the armor was upgraded through Zahedi. This bug would previously fix itself after an area transition.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Even Odds” mod to stack 5 times, instead of the stated 3 times.
  • Changed the “Armor Boost” mod so that it now scales to the armor item it is inserted into, rather than scaling with the player level and stopping at level 30.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Emergency Stance” mod to not trigger if the damage instance that proc’d the mod also inflicted “Knockback” on the player.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Anomaly Mutation” mod to not inflict the Burn or Slow status as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Bullet Absorption” mod to replenish 80% instead of it’s intended 40% of ammo.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause frame (FPS) drops if the “Damage Link” mod was using in combination with the “Pain Transfer” mod.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Pyromancer’s armor mod “Phoenix Force” to not increase Anomaly Power after consuming a status condition.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Borrowed Time to stack it’s bonus infinitely if the “Armor of Eons” and “Short Term Loan” mods were combined and spammed.

Bug Fixes to Skills:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Tricksters “Hunt the Prey” ability to lock up under certain circumstances.
  • The Devastator’s “Impale” skill now no longer blocks Obelisks from continuing to charge while an impaled enemy is present.
  • The description for “Endless Mass” now also mentions the Slow status effect that it inflicts.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Technomancer “Cold Snap” skill from freezing enemies if it was triggered while the player rolled off an edge.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Technomancer Turrets to fall through the ground if they were thrown too low or too high.
  • Added the icon for the “Cryo Turret” skill to the Technomancer’s “Engineer” and “Senior Engineer” class nodes. These nodes were already affecting the “Cryo Turret” skill anyway.

Bug Fixes to Class Nodes:

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the Pyromancer “Gifted” class node not granting it’s bonuses properly.

Expedition Timers have been removed

  • What has been done?
    • Expeditions are no longer time restricted and the timer has become optional.
    • In this new system, finishing an expedition, regardless of how long it takes, will earn you the Expedition Reward.
  • Why has this been done?
    • Previously, rewards for Expeditions were granted based on how quickly you could complete an Expedition. For most players, this meant forcing themselves into a specific DPS meta that stifled build diversity. We want players to play Outriders the way they’d prefer to, without needing to be worried that their playstyle would be punished by a timer.
  • Give me the details!
    • As with the original Expeditions, completing an Expedition will grant item drops based on the Challenge Tier you complete it at. However, the previous Gold, Silver and Bronze reward levels have been scrapped. In this new system, finishing an expedition, regardless of how long it takes, will earn you that expedition’s reward. No matter how long you take.
    • As different Expeditions have shorter or longer base completion times, the amount of Gear and Drop Pod Resources you can receive has been scaled according the average global level completion times our data observed over the past few months.
    • This change means that longer Expedition levels, such as Scorched Land, will give you a greater amount of Gear, while shorter Expeditions, such as Boom Town, will give you slightly less Gear.
    • Unpaid or “free” expeditions will continue to have their base “Bonus Reward”, but all paid expeditions (paid for with Drop Pod Resources) will offer an “Increased Rarity Bonus Reward“. Scaling of the bonus reward according to Challenge Tiers remains as previously.
    • This scaling has been implemented so that you can play any Expedition and feel rewarded for the time you’ve invested into it, rather than feeling like longer or paid for Expeditions are not an efficient enough farming method.
    • The new rewards structure was developed using analytics data from median player completion times for challenges, and we have adjusted the amount of rewards based on that data. We have not based the rewards structure on top player completions.
    • The cost of paid-for Expeditions will now also scale with tiers and they will therefore naturally also provide higher rewards and chances for Legendary and Epic items relevant to their length when compared to free Expeditions.
    • This scaling means that a player’s average “Legendary Items Per X Timeframe” will be relatively consistent across all Expeditions, thus giving you more options to enjoy different Expeditions.
    • The highest reward in the new system will be as follows:
      • A completion of the Eye of the Storm on Tier 15 will provide 4x 50% chance for legendary item + 1 guaranteed Legendary item from the selectable reward. You will additionally have the possibility to receive a legendary item via the bonus rewards.
  • To demonstrate this, we’ve pulled out a few different expeditions and their reward structures under the new system and have shown them in the table below.
  • Note that the overall chance for Legendary Items have not been listed numerically here as this table is mainly to demonstrate that, generally speaking, the longer and harder an expedition, the more rolls and the greater the chance for high end gear is. It is up to the individual player to determine whether they’d prefer to spend their time running multiple shorter expeditions (such as Boom Town) with an overall lower chance of Legendary gear or whether they’d prefer to run longer expeditions (such as Scorched Lands) with an overall higher chance of Legendary gear.
ExpeditionDrop Pod Cost To Enter at CT15Drop Pod Reward for Completing at CT15Chance of Legendary Item per Primary Reward Roll at CT15Number of Rolls for Primary Reward at CT15
Boom Town026400Base Expeditions chance2
Chem Plant040000Base Expeditions chance3
Molten Depths045600Base Expeditions chance3
The Drought Palace2700050000Slightly higher than base Expeditions chance4
Collosseum2800051000Higher than base Expeditions chance4
Scorched Land3300061500Significantly higher than base Expeditions chance4
Eye of the Storm4000075000Highest possible chance in Expeditions4 + A single choice from 3 Legendary gear options

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  • The timer for Expeditions can still be turned on in your HUD Settings menu via the “Enable Expedition Timer” setting. However, enabling this option will not affect the rewards you receive, but is there for your own tracking and speedrunning purposes.
    • Enabling this option will also display your best completion times for each Expedition.

Four New Expeditions Added

  • What has been done?
    • We’ve added four brand new and massive Expeditions, taking you to previously unexplored areas of Enoch.
  • Why has this been done?
    • With the wealth of cool new stuff being added and great changes made to Outriders, we wanted to ensure that you also have a few new playgrounds to try everything out in a fresh setting. These new Expeditions should also tide you over till the release of our upcoming expansion: Worldslayer.
  • Give me the details!
    • Each Expedition features an exciting mini story, connecting you with characters and events experienced in the main campaign.
    • Even new Expedition players will already have access to the first of the four fresh Expeditions, with the others unlocking at CT4, CT8 and CT12.
    • Molten Depths will send you back to Eagle Peaks. When a drop pod signal activated, Dunham investigated and found a hidden power station. In order to take it back online, she wants you to clear out the station from any unwanted tenants, no matter the size, shape and form.
    • The City of Nomads will confront you with a character, who is haunted by the sins of his past. Very aware of his dark history, you decide to help him in protecting the old Pax village Uketu Atarah.
    • In The Marshal’s Complex, Corrigan, the great grand marshal himself asks you to reclaim a facility near Deadrock Pass, taken by insurgents. It won’t take you long to discover that this facility is anything but just another insurgent camp.
    • Last but not least: The Wellspring. Tiago told you about the Pax legend of a sacred place called Atuma ih Taru, where pilgrims would take long travels to sacrifice their treasures into deep wells. You and your team are in search of those forgotten riches, if it wasn’t for this tremendous storm that seems to get stronger and stronger.

Transmog System Added

  • What has been done?
    • We’ve added a brand new Transmogrification system to Outriders. This allows you to change the visual aspect of an item to that of another item, while maintaining the mods and stats of the original gear piece. For weapons, this will also include all sounds.
    • Transmogging is entirely free and can be done practically at any time. No convoluted systems, MTX or ingame resources required.
  • Why has this been done?
    • A Transmog system was one of the most requested features we saw about in the community after launch.
    • As we do not have the requirements of a live service game, we do not need to rely on a system like Transmog to nickle and dime players. This is why we’ve made it as simple, straightforward and player-friendly as possible.
  • Give me the details!
    • Transmog is accessed through a new tab in the Customization Menu as well as through a shortcut in a given items Detail View screen.
    • Opening the Transmog menu will give you access to all collected and available looks for the given item.
    • In this menu, you are able to preview and either apply a Transmog look to the given item, or even apply the same Transmog set in one go.
    • From now on, any gear item you find in Outriders will be automatically added to your Transmog Library.
    • All items that are currently in your stash and inventory have been added to your Transmog library.
    • Your Transmog Library spans across your entire account and is not character specific. Any designs found on a new character will be added to the global account Transmog library.
    • You will only need to collect items once and will then be able to apply their Transmog effects an unlimited amount of times.
    • Any item can be Transmogged an unlimited number of times.
    • Transmog is only possible within the same gear categories, e.g. Automatic shotguns into Automatic shotguns.
    • Transmogged Items have an extra Icon on their item view to identify them as transmogged.
    • Transmogged Items retain the colour shading of the original gear piece. If you make a Legendary Gear piece look like a Common gear piece for example, the background colour shading will remain Legendary Gold.
    • How many more times can we write the word Transmog in this section?
    • We’ve also added 11 new skins to the game, one per weapon class, for you to hunt down. You won’t be able to obtain these from standard drops though… a little exploration will be in order.

Tiago’s Store has been Reworked

  • What has been done?
    • Tiago’s store has been overhauled. It still sells Legendary gear, but now offers two additional options:
      • Re-roll the available Legendary gear on offer.
      • Purchase a mystery Legendary gear piece.
    • Both of these options will cost Drop Pod Resources.
  • Why has this been done?
    • While we’ve greatly improved the overall Legendary drop changes and system since Outriders launch, we’re aware that players still would have liked a system that could improve their chances of acquiring very specific items. Tiago’s Store rework, alongside the Eye of the Storm reward changes, are both part of our steps towards making the hunt for Legendaries more fun while also making better use of Drop Pod Resources.
  • Give me the details!
    • Re-rolling Tiago’s offer of Legendary Gear as well as the Mystery Legendary Purchase will be based on RNG.
    • Re-rolling Tiago’s offer will always generate 3 Weapons and 4 Armour pieces.
    • Both options do not have a limit to how often they can be done.
    • Re-rolling Tiago’s offer of Legendary Gear will require drop pod resources.
    • This was chosen so that players have a reason to collect Drop Pod Resources and also play the game. By simply playing Expeditions you will collect enough Drop Pod Resources to maintain a good cadence with checking in Tiago and refreshing his offering if need be.
    • We didn’t want to put Tiago’s store on a Timer based refresh system as this felt too passive and could require players to have to keep checking back over many weeks or months, rather than being able to complete the game at their own pace.
    • The cost of Drop Pod Resources required for Refreshing and the Mystery Purchase will rise alongside the level of item that you will be able to purchase. This continues to be based on your CT progress.
    • The minimum level of Legendary items found in Tiago’s store has also been reduced from 45 to 35, so that players can access it sooner after completing the campaign and getting into Expeditions.
    • Mystery purchases do not have a minimum level, so you will always be able to equip it, regardless of your level.
    • The cost of regular items sold by Tiago has also been lowered.

Legendary Loot Drops and Farming Information and Changes

This section includes information from other sections here, but is designed to pull together the essential information on Legendary Loot farming changes that Outriders has undergone since launch.

  • What has been done?
    • New Horizon addition: The Eye of the Storm now includes a pick-and-choose Legendary item reward. You’ll be able to choose one of three gear pieces, 2 armor pieces and 1 weapon, upon completion, with your options being randomly pulled directly from the full loot pool.
    • New Horizon addition: Tiago’s store has been overhauled. It still sells Legendary gear, but now offers two additional options (more details):
      • Re-roll the available Legendary gear on offer.
      • Purchase a mystery Legendary gear piece.
    • New Horizon change: With the removal of timers, the rewards received for completing Expeditions have been rebalanced in order to make all Expeditions feel viable and rewarding.
    • Legendary Drop Rates, across the board, were increased by 100% (June Patch).
    • Legendary Anti-Duplication System implemented (June Patch) and improved (August Patch). This system is designed to improve, but not guarantee, the chances of you obtaining gear that you did not previously receive.
    • Other Improvements to the Legendary Drop system (June Patch).

Changes to Gear and Legendary Sets

  • We’ve partnered with the unofficial Outriders Outpost app (Outriders.app) to ensure that these changes are already live in the app as soon as possible! Visit Outriders.app to create and share your new builds!
  • The Health available on Armor pieces has been increased greatly and rebalanced. It is now possible to effectively double character health by using certain gear pieces. (June Patch).


  • [NH] Trespasser Set
    • A new set bonus has been added to the existing bonus.
    • The existing bonus is:
      • “Player characters inside Slow Trap cannot die”.
    • The additional new set bonus is:
      • Increase damage by 6% per enemy affected by a Deception skill. Additionally, Players can’t die inside Slow Trap.
      • Note: Deception Skills are: Slow Trap, Venator’s Knife, Time Rift


  • [NH] Torrential Downpour Set
    • The extra cluster bombs spawned by the set bonus of the Torrential Downpour Set have had their deployment time reduced.
    • A bug that was preventing an extra mine’s deployment after a direct hit was also fixed
  • [NH] Grim Inventor’s Set
    • The set bonus of Grim Inventor set has been changed so that Tools of Destruction can be refilled multiple times during its duration:
    • The old set bonus was:
      • While Tool of Destruction is active, a confirmed hit with Pain Launcher refills 20% ammunition for both minigun and the RPG. This only happens once for each Tool of Destruction usage.
    • The new set bonus is:
      • “While Tool of Destruction is active, a confirmed hit with Pain Launcher refills 20% of the ammunition for both Minigun and the RPG.”


  • [NH] Lava Lich Set
    • The set bonus of the Lava Lich set has had the cooldown reduction it provides increased to 30% (Previously: 10%)
  • [NH] Reforged Set
    • Reforged was originally intended to be a Long Range Firepower set. However, players have mostly used it with Anomaly Power builds. We have therefore changed the attributes of this set to better support Anomaly Damage builds. The Long Range attributes on all set pieces have been changed for either a Cooldown Reduction or a Skill Leech attribute.
    • The Reforged Head Armour set piece, Cowl of the Reforged, has had its attributes swapped:
      • The Health attribute has been replaced with an Anomaly Power attribute.
      • The Long Range attribute has been replaced with either a Cooldown Reduction or a Skill Leech attribute
      • This change makes the helmet more suitable to the sets new functionality of an Anomaly Power oriented build.
    • The Reforged Chest Armour set piece, Armor of the Reforged, has had its mod swapped:
      • The “Bullet Absorption” mod has been replaced with the “Ash Grasp” mod, which inflicts Ash on all enemies in Thermal Bombs AOE range prior to its explosion.
      • This should make Thermal Bomb much easier to use as part of this set.
    • The Reforged Lower Armour set piece, Waistcloth of the Reforged, has had its mod swapped:
      • The “Wildfire” mod has been replaced with the “Fire Frenzy” mod, which provides an additional use of Thermal bomb.
    • The Reforged Feet Armour set piece, Boots of the Reforged, has had its mod swapped:
      • The “Nova Master” mod has been replaced with the “Anomaly Hunger” mod.
      • By making this change, we expect the Feed the Flames skill to deal more damage, making it a better tool to detonate Thermal Bombs.
    • The set bonus of the Reforged set has had its damage bonus increased.
      • Using Thermal Bomb increases the next damage of Feed The Flames by 75% (Previously: 50%)
      • Using Feed The Flames increases damage of next Thermal Bomb by 75% (Previously: 50%)


  • [NH] Deathproof
    • A new set bonus has been added to the existing bonus.
    • The existing bonus is:
      • “Reduce the Cooldown of Boulderdash by 90%.”
    • The additional new set bonus is:
      • Reduce the Cooldown of Boulderdash by 90% and increase Firepower by 15% of Armor.
    • The Deathproof Gloves Armour set piece, Deathproof Gauntlets, has had its mod swapped:
      • The “King Slayer” mod has been replaced with the “Death’s Door” mod.
  • [NH] Marshal
    • The set bonus of the Marshal set has had its shared bonus derived from Anomaly Damage increased to 40% (Previously 10%)
    • The Marshal Gloves Armour set piece, Marshal’s Gauntlets, has had its mod swapped:
      • The “Shattered Armour” mod has been replaced with the “Mosh Pit” mod.
      • The Shattered Armor mod removed Armor from enemies, while the Mosh Pit mod applies the status effect Vulnerability. As the Marshal gear is more of a Anomaly Power set, we decided it was a better fit to increase damage from all sources instead of reducing enemy Armor.
  • [NH] Statue
    • The Statue set has had its attributes swapped:
      • The Skill Leech attribute has been replaced with a Close Range Damage attribute.

Changes to Mods

This section includes information about all changes made to mods that Outriders has undergone since early April. Changes that have been newly implemented with the New Horizon Update are pre-faced with an [NH]We’ve partnered with the unofficial Outriders Outpost app (Outriders.app) to ensure that these changes will be live in the app as soon as possible! Visit Outriders.app to create and share your new builds!Weapon Mod Changes

  • [NH] The mechanics of Fortress have been reworked. The new description and effect is now:
    • Shots increase your current Armor and Resistance by 5%, stacking up to 3 times. At maximum stacks, the buff is doubled and additionally grants 30% damage increase for 10 seconds.
    • The cooldown between stacks is 0.2 seconds.
    • For more information as to why this was done, please see our discussion thread about it here.
    • Please note that following community feedback, the amount of stacks (from 5 to 3) and the cooldown between stacks (from 1s to 0.2 seconds) have both been reduced since we previously announced the changes coming to Fortress. These changes mean that players will be able to proc. Fortress faster and that that all weapon types will be able to proc it as well.
    • We have also buffed each class’s skill tree nodes that increase Anomaly Power. Should you invest fully into these, AP builds running Fortress will have a similar damage output to Fortress pre-change.
  • [NH] The Cooldown Mechanics of all mods are now “universal cooldowns”. Cooldowns for mods are now set to “per character” rather than per “mod instance”.
    • The main effect of this change is that it is no longer possible to cycle through and trigger the same mod effect within a very short space of time. In order to compensate for potential damage reductions as a result of this change, the below mods have all been buffed.
    • For more information as to why this was done, please see our discussion thread about it here.
  • [NH] Moaning Winds has had its damage increased by 60% (From base 120 to 191)
  • [NH] Concentration Blast has had its explosion damage increased by 27% (From base 35 to 48.3)
  • [NH] Concentration Blast has had its max targets reduced to 4 (Previously: 6)
  • [NH] Ultimate Bone Shrapnel has had its damage increased by 14% (From base 63 to 71.82)
  • [NH] Bombs Ahead has had its damage increased by 14% (From base 62 to 71)
  • [NH] Legendary Minefield has had its damage increased by 11% (From base 20 to 22.3)
  • [NH] Kinetic Stomp has had its damage increased by 34% (From base 72 to 96.48)
  • [NH] Weakness Trap has had its damage increased by 237% (From base 18 to 60.6)
  • [NH] Sandstorm has had its damage increased by 42% (From base 7.2 to 10.25)
  • [NH] Wrath of Moloch has had its damage increased by 37% (From base 50 to 68.5)
  • [NH] Scrap Grenade has had its damage increased by 17% (From base 70 to 81.8)
  • [NH] Deadly Disturbance has had its damage increased by 27% (From base 69 to 87.3)
  • [NH] Ravenous Locust has had its damage increased by 50% (From base DOT tick, per second, 4 to 6.66)
  • [NH] Ravenous Locust has had its duration reduced by 4 seconds, down to 6 seconds (Previously 10 seconds)
  • [NH] Radiation Splash has had its damage increased by 208% (From base 38 to 114)
  • [NH] The effect of the “Gunshield” mod has been changed.
    • It will now provide a 30% increase to Firepower, rather than a flat numerical increase
  • Winter Blast has had its AOE range increased to 5m (Previously: 4m) (Early September
  • Ultimate Anomaly Surge has had its damage increased by 37% (From base 25 to 34.25) (Early September)
  • Claymore Torrent has had its explosion damage increased by 110% (From base 30.6 to 64.26) (Early September)
  • Ultimate Storm Whip has had its damage increased by 40% (From base 23 to 32.2) (Early September)
  • Storm Whip has had its damage increased by 40% (From base 23 to 32.2) (Early September)
  • Strings of Gauss has had its damage increased by 162% (From base 24.5 to 64) (Early September)
  • Anomaly Enhancement has had its co-efficiency increased from 30% Anomaly Power to 40% (August Patch)
  • Bone Shrapnel has had its damage increased by 5% (from base 56.7 to 59.85) (August Patch)

Changes to Class Trees

We’ve partnered with the unofficial Outriders Outpost app (Outriders.app) to ensure that these changes will be live in the app as soon as possible! Visit Outriders.app to create and share your new builds!All Classes

  • Class Skill nodes that grant an AP bonus have been increased to granting 10% AP (Previously 6%).


  • [NH] Disruption Shield
    • The Shield provided by using DECEPTION skills has been increased from 20% to 50%.
  • [NH] Profit Squared
    • The Healing provided by this node has been increase from 5% to 10% per ammo pack picked up.


  • [NH] Sidearm Adept
    • The Weapon Damage Bonus provided by this node has been increased from 12% to 20%.


  • [NH] Steady Fire
    • The Weapon Recoil Reduction provided by this node has increased from 30% to 40%.
  • [NH] Sidearm Adept
    • The Weapon Damage Bonus provided by this node has been increased from 12% to 20%.


  • [NH] Profit Squared
    • The Healing provided by this node has been increase from 5% to 10% per ammo pack picked up.
  • [NH] Steady Hands
    • The Weapon Reduction provided by this node has been increased from 30% to 40%.

[NH] Bug Fixes to Class Nodes

  • [NH] Fixed a bug that resulted in the Pyromancer “Gifted” class node not granting it’s bonuses properly.

Changes to Skills

This section includes information about all changes made to Skills that Outriders has undergone since early April. Changes that have been newly implemented with the New Horizon Update are pre-faced with an [NH] – we recommend using CTRL + F [NH] if you’re just interested in the latest changes.We’ve partnered with the unofficial Outriders Outpost app (Outriders.app) to ensure that these changes will be live in the app as soon as possible! Visit Outriders.app to create and share your new builds!

Due to Reddit’s 1000 Character limits, this has been broken down in 4 sub-comments of this thread.

[NH] Bug Fixes to Skills

  • [NH] Fixed a bug that could cause the Tricksters “Hunt the Prey” ability to lock up under certain circumstances.
  • [NH] The Devastator’s “Impale” skill now no longer blocks Obelisks from continuing to charge while an impaled enemy is present.
  • [NH] The description for “Endless Mass” now also mentions the Slow status effect that it inflicts.
  • [NH] Fixed a bug that would prevent the Technomancer “Cold Snap” skill from freezing enemies if it was triggered while the player rolled off an edge.
  • [NH] Fixed a bug that could cause Technomancer Turrets to fall through the ground if they were thrown too low or too high.
  • [NH] Added the icon for the “Cryo Turret” skill to the Technomancer’s “Engineer” and “Senior Engineer” class nodes. These nodes were already affecting the “Cryo Turret” skill anyway.

Quality of Life Improvements and other Upgrades and Changes

This section includes information about changes made Outriders in general since early April. Changes that have been newly implemented with the New Horizon Update are pre-faced with an [NH]. This is not an exhaustive list and we have resolved many more bugs, issues and crashes since launch.

  • [NH] The video that plays when launching Outriders can now be skipped on all platforms apart from PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
  • [NH] Added a Quick Mark functionality to Vendors.
  • [NH] Improved the readability of Mod descriptions, especially when viewed on a large TV or Monitor. This change means that certain information is now viewed on the Details window rather than in the Quick View window.
  • [NH] Reduced the volume of background audio of certain menu and loading screens.
  • Greatly Improved Sign In speeds.
  • Fixed the Inventory Wipe bug and restored lost Gear to affected characters (May Patch).
  • Increased the survivability of players through various changes, including armor and health increases and changes made to enemies including Brood Mothers, Alpha Perforos and enemy Snipers.
  • Implemented a block that prevents players from kicking other players towards the end of an Expeditions session (June Patch).
  • [CONSOLES] Added extra options and settings for controller customization including Deadzones, Look Sensitivity, Acceleration and Legacy layouts (June Patch).
  • [PC] Added support for rebinding the Fn; Delete; End; PageDown; Insert Home; PageUp; Print Screen; Scroll Lock; CapsLock; keys. (April Patch).
  • [PC] The available FOV for configuration has been increased from 90 to 130 (April Patch).
  • [PC] Fixed an issue whereby old crash dumps were not being properly cleared from the player’s system. (April Patch).
  • Overall improvements to improved Matchmaking and reduce the chance of matching with an AFK player (July Patch).
  • The default background matchmaking setting has been changed to Closed [Previously: Open]. This change can still be reverted manually in your settings. (April Patch).
  • Earthborn Gear / Hell’s Ranger DLC equipment can now be scrapped (June Patch).
  • Cost of improving Rare to Epic and levelling up Epic gear from levels 1 to 30 have been lowered which made improving items cheaper in the early game (April Patch).
  • Fixes to AI, including berserker pathing optimisation, skill usage, as well as reacting to and properly attacking players. (April Patch).

New Horizon Celebration Package Details

To celebrate the release of this update we have prepared a special New Horizon Celebration Package for all players, including new Demo players! Simply launch or download Outriders and start playing on any platform between November 16th, 3pm UTC / 8am PST and November 30th, 3pm UTC / 8am PST.
You will then receive a free Legendary Armour item on your most experienced character’s inventory, or your stash, within 24 to 48 hours.
Thank you for playing the Outriders New Horizon update and we look forward to seeing you on Enoch!

Hope you will be satisfied with this article. Don’t forget to bookmark our page if you want to read more game updates and news

Source: Reddit

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