If your favorite game is also No Man's Sky then there is good news for you. You'll be glad to know that No Man's Sky Update 3.64 for "Expedition Three: Cartographers" has just been released by Hello Games, and we have the full list of patch notes but for that you will have to stay with us till the end. Let us tell you that this patch is yet another minor update that includes several new improvements and addresses several issues in the game. The developers are listening carefully to the feedback of the players and implementing the necessary changes.
You are ready to download this patch with the data pack. As it was just rolled out, you can now download and install No Man's Sky Update 3.64 on all respective consoles and PCs. We've also included some information about Campaign Three, shared by the developers, along with a list of the new full release notes. Scroll down this page for more information about No Man's Sky Update 3.64
No Man’s Sky Update 3.64 Patch Notes
Here are the official patch notes for No Man’s Sky Update 3.64 that is now rolling out to all the supported platforms of the game:
- Fixed an issue that could cause settlement buildings to spawn within the terrain and become blocked (note: this fix may slightly move some existing settlement buildings).
- Added a Galaxy Map marker to the player’s settlement.
- Fixed an issue that could cause settlement NPCs to become stuck and stop navigating.
- Fixed an issue that could cause all settlements to be incorrectly labelled as belonging to another player.
- Fixed an issue that caused settlement charts to be used up when they failed to find a settlement.
- Fixed an issue that could cause settlement building timers and states to repeat endlessly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented settlements from being added to the teleport destinations list when starting a settlement in a different galaxy.
- Fixed a number of visual polish issues with settlement walls.
- Fixed a number of collision issues in settlement decoration.
- Fixed an issue that caused settlement construction times to be overly long (and costs to be repeated) for landing pads and towers.
- Fixed an issue that caused some small settlement buildings to have an additional construction stage that did nothing.
- Fixed an issue that caused settlement debt payoff rates to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect audio to play when selecting an option in a settlement decision.
- Fixed an issue that caused water to leak inside underwater bases.
- Fixed an issue that caused missing geometry on the underside of some landing pads.
- Fixed an issue that caused inconsistent window placement on new timber wall/window pieces.
- Fixed a number of snapping issues with generators, batteries, solar panels and planters.
- Added the ‘Report Base’ option to the Quick Menu, so that bases can be reported without finding any parts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the build menu grid hints to still be active when loading a different save.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oxygen Harvester to appear in the wrong group in the build menu.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the wooden material from appearing in the base part recolour UI.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the base building menu to be overly jittery.
- Fixed an issue that caused the base building menu to be too close to the part being placed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented ladders and other technology items from snapping correctly in cuboid rooms.
- Fixed an issue that prevented player ships from being correctly placed on landing pads after teleporting to a base.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to spawn outside the Space Anomaly when joining a friend who was already inside the Anomaly.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to delete the freighter room they were standing inside.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent legacy saves from loading correctly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause stutter animations around the Space Anomaly and the ship salvage station.
- Fixed an issue that caused the sunlight direction to be incorrect while in space.
- Fixed an issue that could cause pilots to fail to navigate around their ship after landing on a planet.
- Fixed a number of issues with localised text.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to occasionally spawn below the ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to take damage when being recovered to the terrain after spawning below the ground.
- Fixed a crash caused by a memory trample.
- Introduced a number of physics optimisations.
- Fixed a crashed related to building spawning.
- Fixed a crash related to the Quick Menu.
- Fixed a crashed related to the ByteBeat UI.
- Fixed a threading crash.
- Fixed a crash related to NPC navigation.
- Fixed a crash caused by reloading the game with the quick menu open.
- Fixed a crash related to base generation.
Expedition Three: Cartographers – Details:
In the Pioneers expedition, travellers embarked on a long journey across the galaxy: exploring, trading, building, mining and rendezvousing across five different planets. The second expedition, Beachhead, confronted travellers with a tightly-woven mystery, and a race against time to unravel it, with players all across the world eventually helping to summon the legendary SSV Normandy SR1 from Mass Effect.
Expedition seasons give us the opportunity to craft No Man’s Sky experiences that differ from the established game modes, and Cartographers is yet another unique journey, focused primarily on deep exploration of a single planet. This season places all expeditioners on the toxic world of Gisto Major, where their bespoke starship will require specialist attention to repair and launch into space.
Cartographers begins today, and will run for approximately two months.
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Source: Hello Games