If your favorite game is Melty Blood: Type Lumina, then there is good news for you. You'll be glad to know that Project Lumina announced today this latest Melty Blood: Type Lumina Update 1.10, and here's the full list of patch notes. If you also want to get this patch notes then you have to stay with us till the end. For information, let us tell you that it brings many character adjustments and bug fixes in this release. It also includes new playable characters for the dead apostles Noel and Aoko Aozaki.
You are ready with data pack and Wi-Fi to download this patch note. For information, let us tell you that soon you will be able to download and install this patch on respective platforms like PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PC etc. We are still not sure about the file size of this update. For more information about Melty Blood: Type Lumina patch notes for Update 1.10, scroll down this page.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina Patch Notes: Update 1.10
Here are the official patch notes for Melty Blood: Type Lumina Update 1.10 that is now rolling out to all the supported platforms of the game:
PlayStation”4 Verl.10
Nintendo Switch™ Ver1.1.3
Xbox One Verl.1.0.0
Steam Build ID 7932652 or later
The update will include added playable characters for Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Aozaki, balance adjustments for all characters, bug fixes, and added features for various modes.
WCharacter adjustments and bug fixes
- The buttons are displayed as A’= weak attack, B = medium attack, and C = strong attack.
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- Adjusting areas where the characters’ intended strong points were insufficient, or their weak points were considered too weak, etc.
- Fixed other bugs considered to have a strong effect on battle results.
Shiki Tohno
Shiki Tohno only
ceived adjustments intended as bug fixes.
Fixed loss of invincible time after transitioning to the “Flash Sheath – Eight Piercings” attack but before launching an attack.
Special “Flash Sheath – Eight Piercings”:
after activating Boundary Peek: | | +A
Increased invincible time after transitioning to attack.
Moon Skill “Flash Sheath – Eight
Piercings”: after activating Boundary
Peek: | +B+C
Increased invincible time after transitioning to attack.
MArcueid Brunestud
Fix Location
Aerial | +B
Strengthening Arcueid’s “Ready, go!” Moon Skill gives her more ways to attack from medium range.
Adjustments to “Shut up and disappear! ” for easier damage exten
ion from aerial combos.
Fixed bug where players were able to cancel landing recovery even when it was
Moon Skill “Ready, go!”: —+B+C
Special “Shut up and disappear!”:
1 1 +A or B or C > additional A or B
Faster startup. Slightly expanded hitbox.
Enabled landing recovery cancel on hit.
EX Special “Shut up and disappear!”:
1 1+ Aor B or C > additional
Enabled landing recovery cancel on hit.
@Akiha Tohno
For Akiha Tohno, improved ease of use of “Brilliant Wheel” to compensate for her short reach and low mobility.
Improved ability to break Guard up close as EX Special “Brilliant Cherry Maple” can no longer be dodged by jumping after use.
Standing A: A
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Aligned the cancel ready time with other characters.
Jump A: Aerial Guard A
Expanded hitbox downwards.
Special [Brilliant Wheel]: | .—>+A or B
or C
Adjustments have been made to hitstop, and all hit types connect more easily.
Special (Aerial) “Brilliant Wheel”: mid-
air | >+A or Bor C
Adjustments have been made to hitstop, and all hit types connect more easily. Faster
Moon Skill [Brilliant Wheel]: >+B+C
Adjustments have been made to hitstop, and all hit types connect more easily.
Moon Skill Aerial “Brilliant Wheel”:
mid-air -+B+C
Adjustments have been made to hitstop, and all hit types connect more easily. Faster
Special “Brilliant Phantasm” A: | .“—+A
Shortened recovery.
Special “Crushing Beasts” A: | | +A
Shortened recovery.
EX Special “Brilliant Cherry Maple”:
NI 4-4
Faster startup. Enabled Vital Source recovery on hit.
Ciel only received adjustments intended as bug fixes.
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Throw: A+D
Fix Content
Fixed bug where distance was different after hits depending on opponent.
Special “Black Key – Judgment (Verse
Three)”: | +A > (clinging to wall)
1 4<—+A or Bor C
Fixed bug where the attack launched even if a button was not pressed.
BHisui (including Hisui & Kohaku)
Increased sustained time for Hisui’s “Well-deserved rest” to make it easier to use as a defensive neutral tool.
Moon Skill “Pardon me” adjustments to allow easier extension of damage from anti-air hits.
Fix Location
Fix Content
Fixed bug where players were able to cancel even when it was shielded.
Moon Skill “Pardon me”: .+B+C.
Opponents are knocked slightly higher in the air when hit.
Special “Well-deserved rest”: | | +A or
Increased duration after setting trap.
Moon Skill “Well-deserved rest”:
Increased duration after setting trap.
Kohaku (including Hisui & Kohaku)
Aim of Adjustments
Kohaku only received adjustments intended as bug fixes.
Adjusted dash hit detection to the standard for other characters due to increase in characters with trap attacks.
Last Are “Drawn Sword Technique –
Comet Sweep”
Aligned hit detection height with other characters.
Slash effect color now changes to match character color.
MHisui & Kohaku
Hisui & Kohaku only received bug fixes.
Special “Sisterly Bond – Foundation” A:
(Hisui Lead) | /—+A
Removed unnecessary overlapping detection for Kohaku.
@Kouma Kishima
For Kouma Kishim: ih
Adjusted Arc Drive “
need EX Special “Triple Comet” to allow varied options to pressure opponents at medium range.
icorn – Flame Waltz” for easier use in combos.
Fix Location
EX Special “Triple Comet”: | +C
Added Super Armor. Increased movement.
Special “Crushing Blow” B: | /—+B
Fixed bug where throws would sometimes miss with Super Armor active, even at
close range.
Are Drive “Unicorn – Flame Waltz”:
1 >+B+C
Expanded hitbox upward.
Miyako Arima received no changes.
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Noel received bug fixes as primary updates.
Noel has major openings around ground attacks, but has been made easier to use with a reduced opening around Crouch B attacks.
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Throw: A+D
Aerial Throw: mid-air A+D
Crouch B: | +B
Special “Black Key (Simple)”: | +A
or Bor C
Fixed bug where distance was different after hits depending on opponent.
Fixed bug where distance was different after hits depending on opponent.
Shortened the gap between first and second hits.
Fixed bug where players were able to cancel additional attacks even when it was
Enhanced “Thunderclap” for Roa, which had been difficult to use, and increased options for mobility.
“Brilliant Demon Strike” adjustments for easier damage extension from aerial combos.
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Special “Thunderclap” B: | -+B
Shortened recovery.
Special “Thunderclap” Blowback Edge
B: | >+B (BE)
Shortened recovery.
Moon Skill “Thunderclap”: >+B+C
Faster startup. Improved difference in recovery when guarded.
Special “Brilliant Demon Strike”: mid-
air | >+A or B or C
Enabled landing recovery cancel on hit.
Moon Skill “Brilliant Demon Strike”:
mid-air >+B+C
Enabled landing recovery cancel on hit.
WVlov Arkhangel
Vlov’s difficult to use Moon Skil
Fix Location
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“Bula Chigl” has been adjusted to be more powerful for better mobi
Adjusted additional skills of Specials “Homeward, Disease / Homeward, Memory” to improve ease of use in combos.
y and counters.
Fix Content
Slightly raised volume.
Moon Skill “Bula Chigl”: —+B+C
Shortened the gap between first and second hits. Expanded hitbox upward for second
Special “Homeward, Disease /
Homeward, Memory” > additional
attacks: | | +A or B or C > additional
Aor BorC
The hitbox for continuous hit detection has been expanded upward.
Special “Homeward, Disease /
Homeward, Memory” > additional
attacks: | | +A or B or C > additional
Aor BorC
Fixed bug where hitstop would remain even after cancelling.
Red Arcueid
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‘The general performance of Red Arcueid’s Special “Alte Schule” has been reviewed.
‘The frame data has been improved, making solid combos and space control uses easier.
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Special “Alte Schule” A: | /—+A
Fix Content
Reduced recovery.
Special “Alte Schule” B: | “—+B
Faster startup. Shortened the gap between first and second hits of the attack.
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‘The general performance of Saber’s “Wing Air” has been reviewed.
The recovery has been reduced, making anti-airing and space control uses easier.
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Aerial Throw: mid-air A+D
Fix Content
Fixed bug where distance was different after hits depending on opponent.
Special “Wing Air” A: > | +A
Reduced recovery.
Special “Wing Air” B: > | +B
Reduced recovery.
Moon Skill “Wing Air”: .+B+C
Increased attack duration. Shortened the gap between attacks.
Battle System
Fix Location
Aerial Dash: mid-air >>
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Fixed bug where an unintended double jump came easily after aerial dashing.
Aerial High Jump: mid-air | 1
Fixed bug where this was difficult to input ahead of time.
Rapid Beat
Fixed bug where this was difficult to input ahead of time.
Rapid Beat
Changed to prevent transition to aerial throw if input in air right before landing,
Screen Edge Knockback
Fixed bug where influence differed for player 1 and player 2.
Aerial Guard
Fixed bug where bounds were consumed if damage was taken when landing during
Aerial Guard.
Ground Throw: A+D
Fixed bug where this sometimes missed even at close range.
Tech Throw: (when grabbed) A+D
Removed difference in Tech Throw coordinates based on time after successful throw.
Limited Vital Source recovery during Neutralization to once per skill.
Made cancelling with a double jump easier when a jump attack is Neutralized.
Shield: D
Fixed bug where opponent attacks were not taken even during Shield if the Super
Armor attack used to take an attack was Shielded and Shielded back.
Shield Cancel: (when Shielded) D or
Fixed bug where the time to Shield Cancel was extended when a multi-hit attack was
Shield Counter B: (After successful
Shield) B
Fixed bug where “Punish” was not shown even if damage was taken when landing.
Shield Counter B+C: (After successful
Shield) B+C
Fixed bug where invincible time was lost during hitstop during Neutralization or hits.
Fixed bug where characters landed after initiating at the lowest aerial point.
Moon Skills
MNon-Battle System Changes
Fixed bug where these activated even without holding the B and C buttons at once.
Character Added playable characters “Dead Apostle Noel” and “Aoko Aozaki
Stage Added “Summer Sky”, “Magician’s Night EX”, and “Crimson Chapel” stages.
Options Added function to Options to allow automatic saving of replays after battles.
Network Enables changing of input lag when selecting Rematch in Network Mode.
Enabled network strength variation when Network Mode player match room policy is
Network “Serr “
‘Serious Match” only.
Enabled spectator viewing of input history when Network Mode player match room
Network vey ts “Panchen! y
policy is “Practice” only.
Network Added area selection to Network Mode Player Match search parameters.
Network Battle
Network Battle
Details of lag status with Network Mode opponents can now be displayed.
Mitigated issue where only one player’s screen was prone to rewinding in Network Mode.
All Battles
Reduced processing load during battles.
All Battles Relaxed command input window for Specials during battles.
Changed simultaneous command input of up and down, or right and left to produce
All Battles Sin “
neutral direction during battles.
Customize Added items related to Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Aozaki.
Gallery Added items related to Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Aozaki.
Gallery Added previously-unregistered audio to Voice.
Gallery Fixed bug where data from outside the category was registered under Voice.
Mission / Tutorial
Mission / Tutorial
Allowed display of input history during Mission and Tutorial demo playback.
Some Mission and Tutorial Challenges were changed to make them easier to
Free Training
Free Training
Added setting to randomize whether shield is forced on guard.
Added setting to start Dummy Playback at the same time as Reversal Actions.
Free Training
Allowed Training Mode settings to apply to opponent for controlling Dummy as well
as when recording Dummy.
Free Training
Added setting to allow random selection of Reversal Actions from a set of multiple
Reversal Actions.
Free Training
Allowed restoring to default with the Confirm button when selecting Reversal Actions.
Free Training
Allowed jumping 10 items for changes when selecting Reversal Actions.
Free Training
Added High Jump and Aerial High Jump to Reversal Actions.
Free Training
Free Training
Allowed changing of Moon Icon starting level in 10% increments.
Added constant Moon Drive setting to Moon Icon.
Free Training
Added setting to reduce the battle speed for practice.
Free Training
Free Training
Changed to not use Provoke during Training Mode.
Allowed battle restart with default settings when “Restore All Defaults” is selected.
(Steam Only) Options
The monitor that displayed the game window now displays in full screen mode when
the “Screen Mode” setting is changed from “Window” to “Full Window”.
“Blowback Edge: The attack will charge and become more powerful. Normal Skills and Finishers that can be charged vary by character.
*Super Armor: means being unable to back out of an opponent’s attack.
*Rapid Beat: Press attack buttons in rapid succession. This executes a simple but hard-hitting combo.
*Moon Skills: Moon Skills are powerful Specials that can be unleashed by consuming the Moon Icons that appear next to the Life Gauge.
*Moon Drive: A power-up that can be activated by using all of your Moon Icons any time you have more than one half full.
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Source: Project Lumina