If your favorite game is also Injustice 2 then there is good news for you. You will be glad to know that Netherlands Studios has just released Injustice 2 Update 1.21 and we have full list of patch notes but for that, you will have to stay with us till the end. The update comes as an unfortunate circumstance as the game's servers have been down for more than 5 hours. Therefore, updates mainly consist of bug fixes and improvements.
You are ready to download this patch with the data pack. The update is available globally on all supported platforms and will be a mandatory download. Players will be able to enjoy the new patch after the server is backed up. Scroll down this page to know more about Injustice 2 Update 1.21
Injustice 2 Update 1.21 Patch Notes
Unfortunately, patch notes for the update are not yet available. However, we anticipate that the update has been pushed out to fix whatever has caused servers to go down in the first place.
UPDATE: Servers are still down. There seems to be no confirmation as to what the issue from the developers.
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