Final Fantasy XIV Online Update 6.05 Patch Notes, PS5 v1.000.117

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Final Fantasy XIV Online Update 6.05 Patch Notes
Final Fantasy XIV Online Update 6.05 Patch Notes

If your favorite game is also Final Fantasy XIV Online, then there is good news for you. You'll be glad to know that Square Enix just rolled out Final Fantasy XIV Online Update 6.05, and here's the full list of patch notes. If you also want to get this patch notes then you have to stay with us till the end. For information, let us tell you that the update brings new playable content such as treasure hunt, housing and changes to the combat system.

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Final Fantasy 14 Update 6.05 Patch Notes | PS5 v1.000.117

Patch 6.05 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes:

These additions and adjustments only require the purchase of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward

.These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood.

These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringer

s.These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker.

These additions and adjustments contain elements that may require the purchase and registration of the expansion packs noted above.

Treasure Hunt

The Excitatron 6000 has been added.

The Excitatron 6000, a special instance similar to the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah, can be accessed after finding and opening treasure coffers obtained from kumbhiraskin treasure maps. Here, players will have the chance to test their luck and obtain priceless treasures.


Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.

Learn more about the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2019.

New furnishings have been added.

New orchestrion rolls have been added.

The Manderville Gold Saucer

New prizes are available for purchase using MGP.

Actions and traits have been adjusted as follows:

* All adjustments are based on actions as they function at level 90.


Arm of the DestroyerWhen under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Raptor Chakra even when missing a target.
RockbreakerWhen under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Opo-opo Chakra even when missing a target.
Four-point FuryWhen under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Coeurl Chakra even when missing a target.
Shadow of the DestroyerWhen under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Raptor Chakra even when missing a target.
Elixir FieldNow grants Lunar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target.
Flint StrikeNow grants Solar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target.
Rising PhoenixNow grants Solar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target.


Wyrmwind ThrustPotency has been increased from 370 to 420.
GeirskogulPotency has been increased from 250 to 260.
NastrondPotency has been increased from 350 to 360.


RaitonThe status effect granted upon execution has been changed from “Forked Raiju Ready” to “Raiju Ready.”
The status effect duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
BunshinThe Phantom Kamaitachi Ready status effect no longer expires when the effect of Bunshin ends.
This action now changes to Phantom Kamaitachi upon execution.
The Phantom Kamaitachi Ready status effect now has a duration of 45 seconds.
Phantom KamaitachiExecution no longer consumes a stack of Bunshin.
Increase to Ninki Gauge has been changed from 5 to 10.
* Prior to Patch 6.05, both the execution of Phantom Kamaitachi and the effect of Bunshin increased the Ninki Gauge by 5, resulting in a total increase of 10. The above adjustment ensures this increase to the Ninki Gauge remains unchanged when executing Phantom Kamaitachi.
Forked RaijuPotency has been increased from 400 to 560.
The additional effect “Grants Fleeting Raiju Ready” has been removed.
The requirement for execution has been changed from “while under the effect of Forked Raiju Ready” to “while under the effect of Raiju Ready.”
Fleeting RaijuPlayers will no longer rush target upon execution.
Range has been reduced from 20 yalms to 3 yalms.
Potency has been increased from 450 to 560.
The requirement for execution has been changed from “while under the effect of Fleeting Raiju Ready” to “while under the effect of Raiju Ready.”
Can now be set to the Hotbar.


HiganbanaRange has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms.
Kaeshi: HiganbanaRange has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms.
Midare SetsugekkaRange has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms.
Kaeshi: SetsugekkaRange has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms.


Arcane CrestCure potency of the Crest of Time Returned effect has been reduced from 100 to 50.


Standard FinishAction category has been changed from ability to weaponskill.
Technical FinishAction category has been changed from ability to weaponskill.
TillanaAction category has been changed from ability to weaponskill.


Fountain of FirePotency has been increased from 430 to 520.
Brand of PurgatoryPotency has been increased from 180 to 240.


Fey UnionRange has been increased from 15 yalms to 30 yalms.
The range within which players must stay has been increased from 15 yalms to 30 yalms.

The raid dungeon Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) has been added.

Players can only register to enter Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) via the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions and role requirements do not apply when registering as a full party.

Level RequirementDisciple of War or Magic level 90 (Two or more of the same job is not permitted)
Item Level RequirementAsphodelos: The First Circle (Savage): Average Item Level 570
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage): Average Item Level 575
Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage): Average Item Level 580
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage): Average Item Level 580
Party SizeEight players
Time LimitAsphodelos: The First Circle (Savage): 90 minutes
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage): 90 minutes
Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage): 90 minutes
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage): 120 minutes


To access Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage), players must speak with Nemjiji in Labyrinthos (X:8.4 Y:27.4) with a level 90 Disciple of War or Magic after completing the quest “Who Wards the Warders.”


Upon completing Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) duties, a treasure coffer will appear containing an Asphodelos Coffer. Using this item transforms it into gear corresponding to the user’s current job. In addition, the coffers that appear upon completing Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) yield weapons.

Coffer TypeEquipment Reward
Asphodelos Weapon CofferWeapons
Asphodelos Head Gear CofferHead
Asphodelos Chest Gear CofferBody
Asphodelos Hand Gear CofferHands
Asphodelos Leg Gear CofferLegs
Asphodelos Foot Gear CofferFeet
Asphodelos Earring CofferEarrings
Asphodelos Necklace CofferNecklace
Asphodelos Bracelet CofferBracelets
Asphodelos Ring CofferRing

If your party contains players replaying a circle prior to the weekly reset, the number of treasure coffers appearing upon completion will decrease. Furthermore, players will be ineligible for rewards from treasure coffers as well as Asphodelos Mythos when replaying a circle prior to the weekly reset.
* If there are one to four players in your party replaying an area, only a single treasure coffer will appear. If there are five to seven players in your party replaying an area, no treasure coffers will appear.
* Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 12:00 a.m. (PST).

By selecting “Duty Completion,” players will not be matched with those who have already completed the duty.

Item Exchange

In addition to gear, players will receive an Asphodelos Mythos from each area, which can be exchanged for gear of your choosing.
* Players will only receive one Asphodelos Mythos per area each week upon completing said area for the first time.

By speaking with Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X:8.3 Y:27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X:10.3 Y:9.6), players can exchange Asphodelos Mythos from Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) for corresponding gear.

Item TypeRequired Token / Number of Tokens
WeaponsAsphodelos Mythos IV x 8
Gladiator’s ArmAsphodelos Mythos IV x 5
ShieldAsphodelos Mythos IV x 3
HeadAsphodelos Mythos II x 6
BodyAsphodelos Mythos IV x 8
HandsAsphodelos Mythos II x 6
LegsAsphodelos Mythos III x 8
FeetAsphodelos Mythos II x 6
AccessoriesAsphodelos Mythos I x 4
Radiant RoborantAsphodelos Mythos III x 4
Radiant TwineAsphodelos Mythos III x 4
Radiant CoatingAsphodelos Mythos II x 4

The following duties have been added to the Raid Finder:

  • Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)

When registering to undertake these duties, parties will be matched with one pure healer and one barrier healer.

New elite marks have been added.

Allagan tomestones of astronomy have been added.

Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of astronomy per week, and carry a maximum of 2,000. Moreover, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of astronomy after reaching level 90 with at least one Disciple of War or Magic.
* Speak with Cihanti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:10.3) after completing the main scenario quest “Endwalker” to exchange Allagan tomestones of astronomy for gear.
* Speak with Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X:10.9 Y:10.4) after completing the main scenario quest “Endwalker” to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of astronomy.

Furthermore, with the introduction of Allagan tomestones of astronomy, the number of tomestones required for weapons exchange has been reduced from 1,000 to 500.

The number of Allagan tomestones received for completion of duty roulette has been adjusted.

Duty RouletteAllagan Tomestones
Duty Roulette: Expert60 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
40 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Leveling100 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
20 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Trials60 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
15 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Main Scenario300 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
50 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids120 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
50 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Normal Raids80 Allagan tomestones of poetics
60 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
20 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Mentor30 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
10 Allagan tomestones of astronomy
Duty Roulette: Frontline50 Allagan tomestones of aphorism
20 Allagan tomestones of astronomy

The following trials have been added to Stone, Sky, Sea:

  • Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)
  • Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage)

New items have been added.

Items added in Patch 6.05 will be listed at a later date.

New recipes have been added.

* Recipes added in Patch 6.05 will be listed at a later date.

New master recipes have been added.

New mounts have been added.

New minions have been added.

New achievements and titles have been added.

The option Duty Complete (Weekly Reward Unclaimed) has been added to the Party Finder.

This option is only available when recruiting party members for high-end raids.

New music has been added.

  • The following issues have been addressed.
    • An issue when playing as warrior wherein players could be incapacitated by damage over time effects while under the effect of Holmgang.
    • An issue when playing as dark knight wherein players could be incapacitated by damage over time effects while under the effect of Walking Dead.
    • An issue wherein the description of dancer trait Enhanced Devilment was incorrect.
      * This issue did not affect the functionality of this trait. The correct effect duration was 20 seconds.
    • An issue wherein the effect of the PvE action Sharpcast was removed erroneously under certain conditions.
    • An issue when playing as warrior wherein the healing effect of Nascent Flash could not be triggered on party members in PvP.
    • An issue when playing as botanist or miner wherein triggering the Gatherer’s Boon effect did not award players with company credits.
    • An issue wherein the number of tomestones needed to purchase items from Mowen’s merchant in the Crystarium (X:10.1 Y:11.8) was incorrect.
    • An issue wherein the Heavensturn event items Golden Tora Kabuto and Silver Tora Kabuto were named incorrectly.
    • Other minor text issues have also been addressed.

Other various issues have also been addressed.

  • An issue in the Excitatron 6000 wherein certain enemy actions do not appear in the battle log.
  • An issue wherein the description for the action Phantom Kamaitachi is incorrect.
    * This issue does not affect the functionality of this action. Execution of this action increases the Ninki Gauge by 10.
  • An issue wherein the icon of certain high-quality items introduced in Patch 6.05 are incorrect.
  • An issue wherein certain items introduced in Patch 6.05, that are be purchased in exchange for MGP, can be sold to NPC vendors.

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Source: Square Enix

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