Dragon Age: Absolution – 2022 Netflix Animated Series | Tevinter Imperium Adventure

Home Entertainment Anime Dragon Age: Absolution – 2022 Netflix Animated Series | Tevinter Imperium Adventure
Dragon Age Absolution

Accidental Murder: Miriam killed her brother after he was possessed during Rezaren’s Harrowing
All for Nothing:

Dragon Age Absolution
Dragon Age Absolution

The Circulum's power of resurrection has one major caveat that Rezaren either didn't know or never considered: the dead person's spirit must willingly return to their body. Not only can they choose to stay dead, but they gain the power to destroy their body to prevent any future resurrection attempts. Neb's spirit does exactly that, meaning Rezaren's efforts were entirely for naught.
The party manages to get the Circulum and escape the Summer Palace, but Hira is captured by Tassia and Rezaren. They storm the palace again to rescue her, but it turns out Hira was a traitor who was trying to steal the Circulum for her own ends. They only end up rescuing someone who betrays them, and Hira escapes with the Circulum to boot, meaning not only was the rescue pointless, but the mission for the Inquisition was a complete failure.

Dragon Age: Absolution contains examples of:

  • Accidental Murder:

-Miriam killed her brother after he was possessed during Rezaren's Harrowing

  • All for Nothing:

-Circulum's power of resurrection has one major drawback: the dead person's spirit must willingly return
-Dead person can choose to stay dead and destroy their body to prevent the resurrection
-Neb chooses to stay dead, rendering Rezaren's efforts useless
-Party rescues Hira but she is a traitor who betrays them and escapes with the Curriculum, making the mission a failure

  • Ambiguous Situation:

-Subject of Fairbanks' betrayal is speculative
-Did he betray Hira, have his own agenda, or was under orders from Cassandra and Leliana?

  • Amicable Exes:

-Miriam and Sapphira were in a relationship but broke up when Sapphira joined Inquisition
-Miriam is cordial but Sapphira wants to rekindle the relationship
-Hira chooses the goal of destroying Tevinter over feelings for Miriam

  • Armor-Piercing Response:

-Sapphira's response makes Miriam question her actions and saves an elven slave

  • Artifact of Doom:

-Group's goal is to steal the Circulum Infinitus, a powerful but blood magic-fueled artifact

  • Back for the Dead:

-Fairbanks, a minor character from Inquisition, is killed by Hira early on

  • Back from the Dead:

-Meredith, former Knight-Commander of Kirkwall, is alive despite being a red lyrium statue in DA2
-Implied to have been leading Red Templars and wanted by Hira

  • Bait-and-Switch:

-First episode shows thieves distracting while Miriam and her partner sneak into Circle Tower

  • Big Bad Friend:

-Hira set the plot in motion by trying to sell Miriam to Rezaren for the Curriculum

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing:

-Rezaren comes off as a reformer but proves power-hungry and dismissive
-Sapphira presents as idealistic but wants to burn Imperium to the ground and betray Miriam

  • Downplayed Canon Character: Hira is revealed to be working for the Crimson Knight, who turns out to be Meredith Stannard, the Big Bad of Dragon Age II.
  • Canon Foreigner: Sapphira is stated to have joined the Inquisition prior to its disbandment.
  • Captured Super-Entity: A high dragon is held in magical stasis in the crypts of the summer palace.
  • Cast Full of LGBTQ+: Two female and two male main cast members are shown to have romantic relationships.
  • Cameo Appearances: Cassandra, Leliana, Cullen, and Josephine make brief appearances in flashbacks.
  • The Caper Plot: The show follows a heist to steal a valuable artifact from a heavily guarded stronghold.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: The series is set after the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition and mentions the disbandment of the Inquisition, but does not specify the gender or identity of the Inquisitor.
  • The Cynic: Miriam is a jaded woman with a dark past as a former slave in Tevinter. Sapphira has a troubled past as a witness to her parents' murder by the Venatori.
  • Entitled Bastard: Rezaren has an unrealistic expectation of loyalty and affection from Miriam and becomes abusive when she asserts her independence.
  • False Flag Operation: The heist is a cover for exchanging the Circulum Infinitus for Miriam with Rezaren.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • Racism: The main character, Miriam, is subject to racist abuse due to her status as an elf. The show portrays the severe discrimination that elves face in Tevinter compared to other nations.
    • Party Composition: The main party is made up of two fighters, two mages, and two thieves, each with distinct personalities and abilities.
    • Foreshadowing: Throughout the show, hints are dropped about the motives and intentions of characters, particularly Hira, who is later revealed to be working for the Crimson Knight.
    • Character Dynamics: After some characters are killed or captured, the remaining members of the party take on different personality traits and form a Four-Temperament Ensemble.
    • Gender Equality: The main party is composed of three men and three women, reflecting gender equality.
    • New Characters: A new character, the Crimson Knight, is introduced in the final episode, who is revealed to be a major character in the franchise.
    • Character Arcs: Miriam experiences a character arc in which she starts as a passive observer but eventually takes action to save herself and others.
    • Noble Top Enforcer: Tassia, Rezaren's bodyguard, is depicted as a noble and mostly good-aligned character despite her status as an enforcer in Tevinter.
    • Accent Conventions: The show disregards accent conventions from the game series and gives some characters American accents instead.
    • Ouroboros Symbolism: The Circulum Infinitus is a symbol of the Ouroboros, representing a cycle of life and death.
    • Red Herring: The show includes a red herring about the identity of Hira's contact in Kirkwall.
    • Wham Shot: The final episode ends with a surprising revelation that brings back a major character from the franchise.
    • Backstory: Hira has a traumatic backstory set in Tevinter, which influences her negative views of the country.

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