Home Game Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes, Full Release

Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes, Full Release

Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes, Full Release
Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes
Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes
Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 Patch Notes

If your favorite game is also Medieval Dynasty, then there is good news for you. You'll be glad to know that RenderCube has just released the latest Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0, and here's the full list of patch notes, but you'll have to stay with us until the end to get it. From brings a new story, more quests, new buildings, bandits, an updated grabbing system, new animals and much more to the game. With this update, the game is finally out of early access.

You are ready to download this patch with data pack and Wi-Fi. Let me tell you, so much new content has been added to this patch that we'll leave the rest for you to explore. You should be able to download and install this patch on your PC via Steam immediately. Scroll down this page for more information about Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0.

Medieval Dynasty Patch Notes: Update 1.0 (Full Release)

Here are the official patch notes for Medieval Dynasty Update 1.0 that is now rolling out to all the supported platforms of the game:


  • New feature – bandits
  • New feature – grabbing items.
  • New Main Story
  • New questline – “Dobroniega’s story”
  • New questline – “Sambor’s story”
  • New language – Korean
  • New buildings: Well, Kitchen, Herbalist’s Hut, Builder’s Hut
  • New furniture: Sitting Stump, Log Bench, Wooden Table
  • New building type: Gates
  • New animals: Badger, Moose
  • New herbs: Chicory, Dandelion, Daisy, Deadly Nightshade, Henbane, Thistle
  • New items: Clay and Wooden Vials
  • New items: Potions
  • New items: Poisoned Arrows and Bolts
  • New weapon: Iron Spiked Cudgel
  • New food items: Soured Milk, Quark, Cheese
  • New Market Stall type: Herbs
  • New Professions: Water Carrier, Cook, Herbalist, Builder
  • New Vendors: Cook, Herbalist, Miner
  • New people, buildings, and items in some neighbouring villages.
  • New feature in dialogues: Smalltalk
  • New dialogues: Asking about wild animals (player can pay a hunter to mark animal spots on the map)
  • New sitting animations for NPCs
  • New break animations for NPCs (for miner, cook, barn worker, farmer, seamster, blacksmith, craftsman)
  • Combat music
  • Standard dialogue is different for important NPCs
  • Villagers need water.
  • Ability to turn off bandits in the customizable gameplay settings
  • Player can now block when using fists, pickaxe, axe, cudgel, or torch when players right hand is empty
  • Interactive boards on buildings to access building management.
  • Possibility of grabbing items.
  • NPCs now use roads some cases (although not the players road)
  • NPC alcohol intoxication reactions
  • Building rotation for gamepad on d-pad.
  • Decoration in some building modules
  • New higher foundations for the largest buildings when the ground is too uneven for standard foundations.
  • Ability to upgrade a building without destroying the lower level.
  • Possibility of destroying individual fence modules.
  • New parameter specifying the available number of employees in the village management window.
  • New section in management tab that allows to control what NPCs can use to fill need for food/water/wood.
  • New building status indicating that there are no assignments for workers.
  • New NPC status indicating pregnancy.
  • The skill point limit increases by 2 with each generation
  • NPC profession visible in inspector mode.
  • Cutscene when heir is born.
  • Tutorial pop ups for chapter I
  • The player’s house in inspector mode has an additional icon next to its name.
  • Extraction and damage parameters are now visible in item’s stats.
  • All items’ details in knowledge tab
  • Game difficulty presets
  • Game mode settings descriptions
  • Restore default game mode settings
  • Bees in the Apiary building.
  • Boiling beer to brewing station
  • Animated background in full-screen UI windows.
  • Heir name selection UI on child being born.
  • Quest expiration time is now visible in quest details.
  • Current day number is now displayed in map.
  • Looped steering during selection of dialogue option (going from last to first and from first to last)
  • Steering buttons for events
  • Warning notification when trying to load old save file
  • “Cure poison lethality” as a item parameter description
  • Graphics pre-sets in Settings.
  • Tutorial pop ups videos
  • Possibility to skip season after 3 days in bed.
  • Game settings for autosave intervals in time and for whether player wants to autosave after quest completion.
  • Fast crafting added to game mode settings.
  • Multipliers for skills, technology and reputation added to game mode settings.
  • Spears and arrows visually break up when destroyed.
  • New Toddler idle animations
  • New hit animation for spears
  • Planning animation for Player and NPCs for carpenter’s table
  • New animations for Innkeepers in tavern
  • “Lynx warning sounds”.
  • Sounds of Fists attack punch
  • Voiceovers added to adult and teenager greetings and farewells
  • Two new tracks – 1 for day, 1 for night
  • Over 200 new locations generated on the map
  • Smoke from chimneys


  • Issue that caused timed interaction to cancel due to camera movement
  • Sometimes the child goes back to sleep after talking to the player (in the morning)
  • Durability of knives now decreases when skinning animals
  • Durability of shears now decreases when shearing sheep
  • Wife doesn’t show personality while player has empathy skill (if the player had wife from version less than
  • Issue when the heir follows player after talking to him
  • Heir follows player when “BOY” quest fails on season change
  • Lifetime and ownership of NPCs arrows
  • Reduced cases where NPCs spawn on fences or benches (tilted forward)
  • Sometimes NPCs occupy a stool or bench, but don’t sit on it
  • Issue, when there are crops in growth stage on the field, the player changes the crop type for NPCs and then changes to the previous crop type then NPCs remove those crops
  • Workbench animation desynchronization with NPCs
  • NPCs “slide” after finishing work in the evening
  • Player can interact with occupied beds
  • Tunic production was too fast.
  • Inhabitants sometimes consumed incorrect values of food and wood.
  • If player’s weight is exactly at maximum, the colour is red instead of yellow.
  • Item’s details in crafting menu have neither text outline nor shadow.
  • Scroll bar in schemes selection is visible even if there are no schemes in selected building
  • Visible input for loading game even if there are no save files.
  • If equipped item is assigned to different slot, then the item stays in hand and can be used infinitely.
  • Icon for crafting fruit tart doesn’t match ingredients.
  • Development status is displayed wrong in the management tab if the player increased the default building limit.
  • Weight sometimes goes to -0.0 if close to 0
  • Autosave for completed quest in some cases fired too early and resulted in missing item (like Alwin’s waterskin) or part of task not being completed (like recruitment quest)
  • If player uses autosave from completing first talk with Uniegost, there will be no side quests to take from the NPCs in that season.
  • Recipes for fabrics and threads use talents for crafting instead of sewing.
  • Wrong position of survival technology compared to other technologies.
  • When 2 items of same type are assigned to quick slots at the same time after one of them breaks it replaces broken item by the other one, but it doesn’t clear the other one’s quick slot assignment. If the player, then chooses this other quick slot the non-existing item will spawn in hand and may be used infinitely.
  • In chapter VIII “newcomers” the goal of pledging task to 5 different people is not visible neither in HUD nor in journal.
  • Mouse cursor is not hidden during intro.
  • Non scrollable quest details in journal.
  • Pressing ESC in crafting radial menu opens game menu instead of closing crafting UI
  • Mouse is not locked inside window during “fullscreen” window mode
  • It is impossible to assign worker to workplace if his/her age is exactly 18
  • Keybind change acceptation pop up has wrong input icon
  • In radial crafting/furniture/fence menu the colour of coins required to purchase the scheme was not always correct
  • Some quests didn’t make sense when they were selected for players NPC’s, they no longer get assigned to them.
  • Filled buckets with water due to events like vermin are emptied and the empty buckets are left in food storage instead of being transferred to resource storage.
  • Incorrect icon for no bucket in interaction.
  • Sometimes NPC to talk to from objective is not visible on compass
  • Season description for wheat is incorrect.
  • Stretched input icons for gamepad in some cases.
  • Wrong icon for villager and animals during assignment.
  • Item duplication on expire if item is on the ground
  • Missing drinking sound for waterskin
  • Multiplying buckets if the capacity needed for the recipe is greater than the most damaged bucket with fluid and the second most damage has count of one but capacity greater than required.
  • Food storage door had diagonal plank placed in the wrong direction.
  • An issue causing crafting animation to end prematurely
  • Animals leaving engaged state too early
  • Animals switching to warning state instead of attacking when hit while idle
  • Various fixes for animal behaviour when in fleeing state
  • Players should now have a proper position while riding on horse
  • Horse summon, horse should no longer spawn in player
  • Mounts are no longer being lagging while riding on it and looking up
  • Projectiles should be less likely to get stuck in a weird way in other objects if they do not attach
  • Stamina not regenerating after shooting from bow and aiming
  • Rock and spears now consume stamina depending on the pull strength
  • IK enabling in wait for crafting state and too early when finishing crafting
  • Workbenches animations should now synchronize better with player animations
  • An issue that caused animals to use their roam speed instead of engaged speed on start of aggro
  • Trees should launch the player less now when walking over the cut logs (ideally not at all)
  • Required technology points for schemes in kitchen I and II (earlier tavern I and II), Workshop II and Sewing II are higher than points required for building.
  • Overconsumption of food by animals at night.
  • Problem with kings and challenges not rolling when changing languages. (New king will be rolled on loading the game for the first time after the patch)
  • Placing furniture and fences in caves.
  • Incomplete blanking of the screen during sleep.
  • Wrong Sewing Hut II module name.
  • No water in bucket at anvil.
  • Stretch should now update visually correctly for each bow
  • Hit animation not playing once after using fists
  • Multiple hit animations overlapping for player
  • An issue causing player to get stuck in aiming state or attacking state when starting a dialogue with an NPC during those actions
  • An issue causing animations to still play when opening inventory or trading menu
  • Fields and orchards sometimes disappeared as soon as they were placed.
  • Sometimes some sectors of the field were created incorrectly.
  • Throwing rocks in production.
  • Ranged weapons (bow, crossbow) behaving incorrectly when jumping
  • Possibility to cancel reload animation for bows
  • NPC head rotation when finishing dialogue
  • Sounds of farm animals should now play a bit less often.
  • NPCs stuttering when turning
  • Alcohol and water levels may have been negative.
  • Incorrect donkey names
  • Sometimes the player can’t interact with the double bed while the wife is sleeping in it
  • Sometimes when a player talks to wife at night (she gets out of bed), she goes to sleep on floor


  • Reduced save file limit per platform
  • Reduced time to load large game saves.
  • Numerous tweaks and improvements to the terrain.
  • Numerous lighting improvements.
  • Numerous improvements in post-processing.
  • Visual enhancements of the sky.
  • Visual enhancements of lake water.
  • Visual improvements to snow-covered roads.
  • Wind improvements.
  • Numerous visual improvements in inspector mode.
  • Inspector mode highlights only the interactive plants for the season.
  • Optimising multiple systems.
  • Rocks now require Pickaxe in Excavation Shed.
  • Excavation Shed now can collect Straw from Reed.
  • Food production has moved from the Tavern to the Kitchen.
  • Visual improvements to the Small House building.
  • Visual improvements to the Food Storage building.
  • Visual improvements to the Barn building.
  • Visual improvements to the Tavern building.
  • Visual improvements to abandoned encampments.
  • Many of decorative objects such as carts, ladders etc. have been visually improved.
  • Initial rotation of some buildings.
  • Notification of uneven terrain has a higher priority.
  • House modules required resources and upgrade costs rebalanced.
  • The amount of taxes depends on the development stage of the village.
  • Fields and orchards are included in the tax.
  • The stairs in the buildings are already visible at the ghost stage.
  • The arrangement of furniture in residential buildings depends on the position of the door.
  • Wife can’t reset skills anymore. A new potion does that.
  • Removed engagement dialogue until small talk is finished.
  • The maximum number of workers in the Excavation Shed has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • Waterskin mechanic has changed.
  • Moved mushrooms to herb market stall type.
  • Separated mushrooms in production
  • Every raw mushroom now gives at least a little bit of poisoning.
  • Food Storage has different door.
  • The duration of skills that increase animation speed has been increased from 10s to 30s.
  • Increased the time after which stamina regeneration starts from 1s to 1.5s.
  • Tools use 50% to 75% less stamina.
  • The minimum bow tension needed to shoot has been increased.
  • During dialogue parameters of player character (hunger, thirst, poison, alcohol, health) no longer drops and player cannot die during dialogue.
  • Animals no longer bleed when hit with blunt weapons or fists.
  • Spears, arrows, and bolts don’t always stick to animals anymore (the better the weapon, the higher the chance)
  • Wooden and stone spear no longer sticks into wooden surfaces
  • Dead mount won’t disappear now on skipping season, if they have any items in their inventory
  • Animals aren’t now slowed depending on their hitpoints
  • Animals now bleed depending on the number of projectiles impaled into them
  • Aggressive animals will now try to flee if below 20% health
  • Animals will try to attack from side from time to time instead of going always straight at the target
  • Animals no longer try to attack NPCs beside bandits
  • Wolves will now call their pack within certain distance when engaging player
  • Husbandry animals will now regenerate to full health on season change
  • Animal hp multiplier no longer affects husbandry animals only wild animals
  • Wisent, Bear and Deer hit animations – they are not stopping now when hit
  • Workbench interaction when it’s occupied by an NPC. Player now has option to free up workstation then must wait for the NPC to finish his action before being able to craft
  • Crafting now starts with a little delay depending on the workbench and animation
  • Crafting animations now play a full montage when using fast crafting cheat – duration is still affected by talents
  • Adjusted movement speed, animations and IKs of animals
  • Improved movement on mount
  • Mount can no longer be summoned while in a cave
  • Animations for Pickaxe, Axe, Cudgel, hammer, and knife
  • Pickaxe can now be used with torch
  • Interaction logic for tools, it should be now easier to hit things that are small without needing to crouch
  • Blending when ending crafting animations in certain situations
  • Blending for quern workbench
  • Decreased FoV change for bows slightly
  • Bow now needs to be reloaded even at start
  • Improved hand behaviour when strafing
  • Holding animations for two handed tools when moving
  • Buying items also develops diplomacy skills.
  • Knowledge is now taken from journal and works as a separate tab
  • HUD statuses are now displayed in different way for better visibility.
  • Counting fences,gates,buildings,fields and orchards in radial menus
  • During trading/transferring items UI always starts with right side highlighted
  • Create new save and overwrite use “Enter” for acceptation instead of “F”
  • Changed name of challenge reward from “development stage” to “max development stage”
  • Hidden mood for player character
  • Instant animal selling instead of on season change.
  • Upgraded event UI
  • Icon colours on the map and compass
  • Bigger icons on the map
  • Numerous map improvements
  • Black background for description in radial menus
  • Each new journal entry adds with a blank line for better visibility.
  • Chapter goals texts.
  • Schemes in technology menu are in different layout if there are less than 4 schemes
  • Save game name scrolls if it’s too long
  • Tutorial videos in knowledge if the selected topic has one
  • Alwin’s hunt for bear challenge is now once again restricted to 8 hours.
  • Changed input for closing tutorial pop ups.
  • Events mechanic – hidden effects of decisions.
  • If it’s last day of season sleeping in bed will have text “next season” instead of “next day”
  • Updated credits.
  • Credits window now loops.
  • New icon for house.
  • Only tracked quest talk goal is displayed on the map for better clarity.
  • If quest goal has time restriction (e.g. 8 h to kill bear) it’s diplayed next to goal.
  • Quest journal entries are now in it’s own scrollbox.
  • Positions and sizes of furniture in buildings.
  • UI with input buttons’ scalable background
  • Icons for event’s consequences
  • Bigger scroll bars and they are always on the right side.
  • Profession power in production/goods trading is now displayed with the icon of profession instead of skill.
  • Increased size of market type icons
  • Extraction and hunting vendors are now located near their work buildings
  • Removed game modification that stops food spoiling.
  • Cancelling the construction progress of the fence modules returns the resources spent.
  • Replacing the residential building modules returns the resources spent on the previous module if it was not completed.
  • Animal’s health in game mode settings now can be changed to minimum of 10%
  • Player no longer leans forward or backwards when falling
  • Animation blending when player goes to sleep or wakes up
  • Blending for threshing animation for player
  • NPCs work longer in one workbench
  • Herald and Exotic Goods vendor can visit player’s village
  • A player’s son can only have one child (son)
  • Crossbow position is hands for player
  • Bolt position in crossbow
  • Arrow position for bows when aiming and preparing to shoot
  • Removed “breathing” when aiming using bow or crossbow
  • Reduced “breathing” effect on player
  • Hammer position in hand for player
  • Shortened wake up animation for horse
  • Animal have their physics enabled after dying
  • Changed how much projectiles affect animal corpses
  • Player now hides his tools for dialogue
  • Main chapters.
  • Alwin’s Story
  • New knowledge entries
  • Events descriptions
  • Challenges dialogues and descriptions
  • Challenges values
  • Names of furniture and fences.
  • Technology requirements and prices for fences and furniture.
  • Player can no longer throw a rock just by pressing left mouse button
  • Head bobbing no longer affects player when in aiming state
  • Head rotation limit and speed for NPCs
  • Fist attack and hit animations
  • Increased prices for almost all crafted items
  • Animal’s meat drop
  • Russian language
  • English language
  • German language
  • French language
  • Spanish language.
  • Hungarian language.
  • Italian language.
  • Turkish language.
  • Ukrainian language.
  • Chinese language.
  • Brazilian language.
  • Swedish language.
  • Japanese language.
  • Polish language.
  • Portuguese language.
  • Dutch language
  • Czech language
  • Hungarian language temporarily removed.

Hope you will be satisfied with this article. Don’t forget to bookmark our page if you want to read more game updates and news

Source: Steam

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