Home Game War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes | Direct Hit

War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes | Direct Hit

War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes | Direct Hit
War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes
War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes
War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes

If your favorite game is also War Thunder then there is good news for you. You will be glad to know that Gaijin Entertainment has just released War Thunder Update 3.83 (PS5 v01.000.0048) and we have full list of patch notes but for that you will have to stay with us till the end. Let us tell you that the new update brings the legendary MiG-27M, new guided bombs, two new maps, an updated test drive, Nvidia DLSS 2.2, new VFX and much more!

You are ready to download this patch along with the data pack. Let us tell you that the update is available globally on all supported platforms and it will be a compulsorily download. Scroll down this page for more information about "War Thunder Update 3.83 (PS5 v01.000.048)"

War Thunder Update 3.83 Patch Notes

Here are the complete patch notes for War Thunder Update 3.83 available on all supported platforms.


17 new and updated aircraft, including the new interceptors JA37C Jaktviggen and Saab J35A Draken, as well as the MiG-27M featuring the new to the game, guided bombs.

JA-37C Jaktviggen




Great Britain


  • F4EJ Kai
  • B-17E — (updated model)



  • F-104G


  • F-8E (FN)


Ground vehicles

A dozen new vehicles, updated Test Drive, specified missile dynamics, and a more structured approach to bug reports concerning modern tank protection. Enthusiasts of the Japanese ground forces receive at their disposal long anticipated vehicles and camo updates.

2S25 Sprut-SD


  • M1A1 HC


  • Marder 1A3


Great Britain

  • Vickers Mk.3







  • YAH-64 (squadron vehicle)
  • AH-1F (detailed cockpit has been added)


  • SA 313B Alouette II (detailed cockpit has been added)


  • Мi-24D (detailed cockpit has been added)


  • AH-1S early (detailed cockpit has been added)
  • AH-1S (detailed cockpit has been added)
  • AH-1S Kisarazu (detailed cockpit has been added)


  • SA 313B Alouette II (detailed cockpit has been added)

Naval Fleet

USS Pittsburgh


  • USS Pittsburgh
  • USS Hoquiam


  • M-17
  • Karlsruhe (premium)



  • Smelyi (premium)
  • Parizhskaya Kommuna

Great Britain

  • HMS Vega (a new British reserve destroyer to replace HMS Churchill. HMS Churchill will not be available in the regular research tree and will only be available to those who managed to get it before the release of the current major update).
  • LÉ Orla (premium)
  • Fairmile H LCS(L)(2)
  • HMS Norfolk
  • HMS Verdun - will replace HMS Montgomery, which will not be available for purchase after 21st of September.


  • RN Gabbiano
  • RN Leone

New locations and missions



  • Aircraft missions:
    • New alternate history mission of Operation Honolulu.
  • New location for ground battles Spaceport.
  • New location for ground battles Breslau.

Location and mission updates

  • Aircraft missions:
    • A complete reworked version of Operation Dover, including updated logic and moving the mission to the ranked airfield system.
    • A complete reworked version of Operation Krymsk, alternative history, including updated logic and moving the mission to the ranked airfield system 
    • Moving of the alternative history missions “Afghanistan”, “Berlin”, “Guam” and “Spain” to the ranked airfield system and updating of the mission logic to the new format.
    • hanges in the mission Operation Ruhr. Logic update. Addition of ground vehicle presets: now on different ranks there will be different vehicles in the columns. Mission design changes for better balance.

Enduring Confrontation

  • The amount of HP for bombing bases has been reduced for all mode missions. 
  • Sicily
    • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
    • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields.
    • New possible locations for airfields.
    • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
    • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
  • Zhengzhou 46
    • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
    • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields
    • Switching the mission to the new logic.
    • New possible locations for airfields.
    • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
    • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
    • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares.
  • Zhengzhou
    • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
    • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields
    • Switching the mission to the new logic.
    • New possible locations for airfields.
    • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
    • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
    • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares
  • Afghanistan and Vietnam
    • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
    • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields
    • Switching the mission to the new logic.
    • Mission’s size has been increased to 128x128 km.
    • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
    • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
    • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares
  • Sector Montmedy
    • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
    • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields
    • Switching the mission to the new logic.
    • New possible locations for airfields.
    • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
    • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
    • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • T-62M-1 - ammo capacity has been increased from 40 to 42 rounds. Source: Танк Т-62М. Дополнение к техническому описанию и инструкции по эксплуатации танка Т-62, 1987.
  • BMP-3 - Main and auxiliary armament layout has been modelled similar to the BMD-4. The 30mm gun is now considered the main gun, and the 100mm as auxiliary.
  • M60 AMBT - The parameters and ammunition load of the 25 mm LW25 cannon have been clarified. The muzzle velocity has been changed from 800 to 400 m/sec. HE-DP shell has been added to the ammunition load. Source: 43rd Annual Armament Systems: Gun and Missile Systems Symposium 21 – 24 April 2008, Development of LW25 Family of Ammunition
  • M48 Super - The commander’s thermal imager has been removed due to its physical absence on the specified unit.
  • M42 Contraereo - The power supply scheme of automatic cannons has been changed from magazines with 12 rounds to belts with 160 rounds. Total ammunition load is now 640 rounds. Source: Il Carrista d'Italia", №274 
  • SK-105A2, JaPz. K A2 - neutral gear turn has been added. 
  • Begleitpanzer 57 - weight has been increased from 28,5 to 30 tons; engine power has been increased from 600 to 720 hp. Source.  
  • Olifant Mk.2, TTD - ESS module has been added. 
  • Ratel 20 - 20mm gun feed has been specified. Now a player is able to choose from two ammo belts ready to fire.  
  • Rooikat ZA-35 - weight has been increased from 26,5 to 32 tons; horizontal aiming speed has been reduced from 90 to 45 degrees per second. Source: Kentron Gun Systems, ZA-35 brochure / Armed Forces November 19991
  • MARS 15 - a bug with missing autocorrection with the laser rangefinder data has been fixed. 
  • ARL-44 - gun depression angle has been reduced from -10 to -5 degrees. Source.
  • ARL-44 (ACL-1) - OR Mle.44 AP shell characteristics have been specified. Weight has been reduced from 6,5 to 6,4 kg. Velocity has been increased from 700 to 715 m/s with corresponding changes to the armour penetration.. Source
  • Tiger E, Tiger H1, Brummbar, VK4501, Heavy Tank №6, Tiger Animal - Armour of the driver’s observation devices has been redesigned. The parts have been transferred to volumetric armour and a separate section of optics has been added and the height of the viewing slot has been reduced. 
  • Jagdtiger - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Tiger II (P) - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Tiger II (P), Tiger II (H), Tiger II (H) Sla.16, Tiger II (H) (10.5cm KwK)  ) - The armour on the ball machine gun mount has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour.
  • Сenturion mk.3, Strv 81 (RB 52) (UK), Sho`t Kal Dalet, Caernarvon, Strv 81, Strv 81 (RB 52), Сenturion mk.5/1 - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Сhieftain Mk.3, Сhieftain Mk.5, Chieftain Mk.10 - Turret armour has been changed to volumetric armour.
  • Vickers Mk.7 - The filler for the hull’s combined armour has been  changed to volumetric armour. 
  • XM-1 (GM), XM-1 (Chrysler) - The filler for the hull’s combined armour has been  changed to volumetric armour.
  • Leopard 2PL  - The filler for the hull’s combined armour and turret has been  changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Т-55АМ-1, Т-62М-1 - The filler for the turret’s combined armour has been changed to volumetric armour.
  • Ariete - Add-on armour War Kit has been  changed to volumetric armour.
  • Leclerc S1, Leclerc S2 - Side screens with combined armour have been  changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Lvkv 9040C, Strf 9040C - Combined screens have been  changed to volumetric armour. 
  • Сhallenger Mk.2, Сhallenger Mk.3 - Combined frontal armour has been converted to volumetric armour.
  • Сhallenger 2, Сhallenger 2 (2F) - Combined frontal armour has been converted to volumetric armour.
  • Ikv 91, Ikv 91-105 - Commander's sight has been added.
  • ZPRK 2S6, OTOMATIC, FlaRakRad, FlaRakPz 1 - Optical air target tracking mode has been added.
  • T25 - Vertical stabilizer has been removed. The reason for the removal is that the first pilot prototype of the tank was equipped with this stabilizer. The tank in the game is the second pilot prototype to which the stabilizer wasn’t installed. Source.
  • Nb.Fz - Horizontal guidance speed has been changed from 8 to 15 degrees per second.Source.
  • STB-1 - Fire rate of the 10,5 cm gun has been changed from 7 to 9 shots per minute in accordance with the other similar guns (L7A3). M393A2 (HESH) has been replaced by Type 75 (HESH) and will be now available by default. M456 (HEAT-FS) - is no longer available for use on this tank.
  • Comet, Comet Iron Duke - Fire rate has been changed from 10.2 to 8.1 rounds per minute. Source.
  • Leopard 2PL, 2A4, 2A5, 2A6, Strv 121, 122, 122 PLSS - Vertical guidance speed has been changed from 20 to 40 degrees per second. Source: 12cm kanon strv 121/122 Skjuttabeller - FMV, 2003,   
  • T-72B, T-72B (1989), Т-72B3 - Gun declination angle has been changed from -6,22 to -5,67 degrees. 
  • Source: Танк Т-72Б, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации, 1995. 
  • Dicker Max - Fire rate has been changed from 4,6 to 6 shots per minute (balancing change).
  • Sturer Emil  - Fire rate has been changed from 3,3 to 4 shots per minute (balancing change).
  • AMX-13 FL-11 - Fire rate has been changed from 8 to 10 shots per minute. Source. 
  • Type 89 - Type 79 ASM researchable ATGM has been added to the ammunition. APCR shell has been deleted from the ammunition. DM23 shell is now the default one. The power supply scheme for the cannon has been changed. Now it will be on the same scheme as the Begleitpanzer 57 or Strf 9040
  • Centurion Mk.1, Mk.3, Strv 81 (SS11), Mk.10, AVRE, Mk.5/1, Action X, FV4202, FV221, Strv 81, Strv 101 - Gunner sight magnification has been changed from variable 4.9-6.0х to constant 6х. 
  • Source: Pamphlet №15, Centurion, 1964, Royal Armoured Corps Training / S.Dunstan, Modern Combat Vehicles: Centurion. 
  • T95, T28 - The sight magnification has been changed from 8x to the default sight. Source. 
  • Toldi IIA - The masses and accordingly the penetration values of the following shells have been clarified:Source.
    • 36M: 0,9 kg -> 0,965 kg
    • 43M: 0,9 kg -> 1,05 kg
  • TOW-2B — Damage type from the cumulative jet has been replaced with an impact core. Armour penetration has been changed from 430 to 100 mm. Beyond armour effect has been significantly increased.
  • Char 25t - Cannon model and used ammunition have been refined. Previously used shells have been replaced by 90 mm American shells: Source.
    • T33 - base
    • M71A1 - HE
    • M82 - Researchable on the 3rd modification rank.
  • Destabilization of the APFSDS round has been added after impacting side modules of the heavy ERA (Kontakt 5, Relikt). Destabilization of the round significantly improves armour durability against hit effect at course angles ± 20...25 degrees.
  • The ESS (engine smoke generating system) mechanics operation has been clarified. Now it is impossible to use smoke screens by using ESS modification when the engine has been destroyed. 
  • The armour parameters for gun barrels on ground vehicles where the values differed from those previously announced in the Major Update “Ixwa Strike” have been fixed.
  • Parameters for single shot smoke mortars have been clarified. Calibre for American and British vehicles - 50 mm (2in) and for German - 91 mm has been clarified. Reloading time of 5 seconds for mortars has been added: M24 (all), AMX-13 M24, Crusader Mk.II (all), M4A3 (105) (all), M4 Tipo IC, Sherman Vc (all), Challenger, AEC Mk.II, Crusader Mk.III, SARC MkVI (2pdr), SARC MkVI (6pdr), Valentine Mk.I, M4A2, M4 748 (a), Grant I, T18E2, Panther Dauphine, Flakpanzer 341, Jagdpanzer IV, Panther II, Jagdpanther (all), Jagdtiger, Panzer IV/70, Panzer IV/70 A, Pz.IV J, Maus, Tiger II (H), Tiger II (10.5 KwK), Tiger II (H) Sla, Tiger II (P), Tiger E, Panther A, Panther F, Panther G, E100, T-V
  • Physically correct tracks have been added for:
    • AMX-13 (SS.11)
    • AMX-13 DCA 40
    • AMX-13 (FL11)
    • AMX-13-90
    • AMX-13 (HOT)
    • AMX-13-M24
    • ZTZ99-II
    • ZTZ99-III
    • BT-5
    • RBT-5
    • BT-7
    • BT-7A (F-32)
    • BT-7M
    • T-64A (1971)
    • T-64B
    • T-72B3
    • T-90A
    • 2S25
      • M1A1 HC
      • LVT(A)(1)
  • Sweden:
    • Pbv 301
  • The animation for shell ejection has been added for the following ground vehicles:
    • M56
    • Panzerjager I
    • Marder III/III ausf H
    • 8,8 cm Flak 37 sfl
    • Dicker Max
    • Sturer Emil
    • Nashorn
    • Waffentrager
    • Marder A1-/A3
    • SdKfz 6/2
    • Su-76M
    • Yag-10
    • GAZ-AA DShK
    • GAZ-AA 72-K
    • ZIS-12 94-KM
    • ZIS-43
    • Ho-Ni
    • Na-To
    • AS-42
    • 90/52 M41M
    • Breda 501
    • R3 T20 FA-HS
    • CCKW 353 AA
    • Lorraine 37L
    • Pvkv II
    • Strv M42 DT
    • Lvtdgb m/40
    • L-62 ANTI II
    • VEAK 40
    • Falcon

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


  • MiG-23M - Weapon preset with 2х R13М1 and 4х R-60 has been added to the suspended weaponry.
  • A.109EOA-2, AB 205 A-1 - Moved from the “Attack Helicopter” class to “Utility Helicopter” class.
  • Me 410 A-1, Me 410 B-1 - A bug because of which you could install 250 and 500 kg bombs right away without modification research, has been fixed.
  • B-24D-25-CO - Preset with 4х 2000 lb AN-M66A2 bombs has been added to the suspended weaponry.
  • DB-3B - 45-36АН torpedo has been added to the suspended weaponry.
  • Harrier GR.1, Harrier GR.3, AV-8A  - A bug that caused the wing part to hang in the air in some cases when it was torn off, has been fixed.
  • A-26B-10 - 37 mm M4 cannon has been replaced by 37 mm M9 cannon.
  • Scimitar F.Mk.1 - A bug that caused the wrong name for 25 lb. AP Mark II rockets to be displayed in the modification menu has been fixed.
  • SB2C - Amount of the ammunition for the defensive turret has been changed from 2000 to 1000 rounds per barrel.
  • AH-64D  - AIM-92 missiles have been removed from the normal presets and added to the suspended weaponry presets.
  • AH-1Z  - AIM-9L missiles have been removed from the normal presets and added to the suspended weaponry presets.
  • AH-64DJP  - AIM-92 missiles have been removed from the normal presets and added to the suspended weaponry presets.
  • AH-Mk1 Apache  - Starstreak missiles have been removed from the normal presets and added to the suspended weaponry presets.
  • 37-mm М4 cannon - Belt with air ammunition has been added.
  • FAB-500 М-62 - The type of explosive mass has been changed TNT to TGAF-5. The weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 325 to 213 kg.
  • FAB-250 M-62 - The weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 149 to 100 kg.
  • 2000-fn AN-M66A2 - The type of the explosive mass has been changed from Amatol to Tritonal.
  • 500-fn AN-M64A - The weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 119.7 to 121 kg.
  • Mk.M1 540-lb— The weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 87.1 to 105.23 kg (Air Publication 1661B, Volume 1 - Bombs / OP 1665, British Explosive Ordnance, pag 29).
  • MK 4 MOD 0 gun pod - The weight of the suspended gun pod has been changed from 109 to 630 kg.
  • MiG-21SMT, MiG-21 MF - SPS-141 flare block has been added.
  • Jaguar A  - Flare blocks have been added.
  • Phantom FGR.2 / FG.1 - Skyflash air-to-air missiles have been added with Dogfight melee mode.
  • MiG-21SMT, MiG-21 MF — ECM module with flares has been added.
  • Jaguar A — Flares have been added.
  • AV-8A — Presets with flares have been added.
  • F8U-2 — Flares have been added.
  • F-4EJ — AIM-9J missiles have been changed to AIM-9P.
  • Ar 234 B-2 — Modification required for 500 kg bombs has been added.
  • Ar 234 С-3 — Modification required for 500 kg bombs has been added. Ammo belts modification has been moved to tier II.
  • A32A — chaff pods have been added.
  • F-4E — AIM-7E-2 missile has been added with Dogfight melee mode.
  • MiG-23M — R-60 missiles have been replaced with R-60М  along with a change of modification for research (if the modification has already been researched, the replacement will occur automatically)


  • The display of icons in the modification menu has been fixed according to the suspended armament for the aircraft - Z 1007 bis (all series), Su-6 (all series), PB4Y-2, B-24D, A-26 (all series), H8K (all series), PV-2D, A-4 (all series), S.O 4050 Vautour (all series), AD-4 (all series), Saab 105G 
  • FAB-500sv - A bug due to which the full name of the bomb wasn’t indicated in some presets has been fixed.
  • GSh-23L — The composition for ammunition belts on the GSh-23L twin cannon have been changed.
  • MiG-21SMT, MiG-23M, MiG-27M, Su-17M2, Mi-24P (Germany), Mi-24P, Mi-24V, Mi-35M — S-24 rockets have been replaced with the S-24B.
  • Helicopter target trackers, IR and TV seekers will now be able to see the hulls of destroyed ground vehicles
  • Р-60, Р-60М - The interval between launch and inclusion in the control loop of the homing head has been clarified. 0.5 sec -> 0.35 sec

Flight Model changes: 

  • Ki-100/100-II, Ki-96/102/108 – A bug has been fixed that led to an overestimated maximum engine speed.
  • Ki-61/100 (all series) — Aerodynamics of the airframe has been completely reworked. Stall speed, take off and landing speed have been reduced. Controllability at low and mid speeds have been improved. Landing gear extension speed reduced to 250 kph, available speed of switching flaps to landing position reduced to 230 kph (all changes applied after the test reports).  Optimal horizontal speed for climbing, climb and speed haven’t changed. See the aircraft passport for details.    
  • I-185 (all series) — Effect of rebalancing of the aircraft at full throttle (slight nose pulling down effect at full control mode) has been specified. Operations of a propeller group at low and mid throttle have been specified.
  • Tu-2 (all series) - Adjusted according to passports. Fuel distribution among tanks has been adjusted.The moments of inertia depending on the amount of fuel, weapons, ammunition, etc. have been specified. The thermodynamics of engines has been improved and refined. Improved aircraft aerodynamics at high flight speeds. Airplane take-off and roll-off are adjusted according to the airplane flight manual and test reports
  • D.520 - Flight model has been completely updated according to the current capabilities of the physical model. Polars of wings, fuselage, fin and propeller blades have been recalculated and refined. The moments of inertia have been clarified.
  • AH-1, UH-1 (all series) - overshoot and reverse roll while leveling in horizontal has been fixed for mouse control mode (with manual roll disabled).
  • Jaguar GR.1, Jaguar A, MiG-23M - mouse control has been improved; improved aircraft behavior after elevators or spoilers detach; introduced a more detailed simulation of the elevators with differential deviation and variable throttle transfer ratio from the stick to the elevators.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

  • Weapon control - a Fire direct system has been added on all large artillery ships - stereoscopic rangefinders, director control towers, artillery directors that take the necessary measurements are separated into independent modules. Modules in the fire control rooms that create  fire solution calculations have been added. Binoculars have been reworked.
  • IJN Settsu - Incorrect designation for the 6.5mm machine guns in the vehicle card have been corrected.
  • Fairmile C (312) - Number on the used ammunition for aft 40mm “2 pdr Rolls Royce” cannon has been corrected.
  • USS Wyoming — Maximum speed has been changed to 21 knots.
  • Parizhskaya Kommuna — HE shell has been added for research at the 4th modification level
  • 305mm semi AP round (1911) (Imperatritsa Mariya, Poltava) speed drop dynamics have been fixed (made equal to the AP round). Armour piercing values at mid and long ranges have been changed.
  • Poltava - firing sectors of the second and the fourth gun of the main calibre have been increased.
  • USS New Orleans, USS Northampton, USS Pensacola, USS Portland - name of main calibre guns have been corrected.
  • RN Aviere -  torpedo type has been changed
  •  IJN Ikoma - 533mm torpedo launcher has been changed to 457mm.
  • IJN Ikoma, IJN Settsu - display of ammo capacity of the auxiliary guns has been fixed.
  • S-38b, S-38 - display of ammo capacity of the 20mm guns has been fixed

Naval modifications and crew skills:

  • All ships and boats, in accordance with their classes, receive corrected parameters for smoke screens  - launch position, size and time of the effect. Previously, smoke screens might appear in the middle of the hull or far behind
  • USS Wyoming — Class B 305mm default HE round has been added. The AP round had been moved to the research tier I.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • The shockwave effect on artillery rigs of the open type or with open shields has been fixed. Explosions that occur close to such a unit can disable its calculation with a shockwave.
  • The display of the components inside the hull on large ships has been fixed.
  • HMS Peacock - Searching radar has been added.
  • USS Northampton - Davits interfering with the third main calibre turret will be now removed in the battle.
  • HMS Liverpool - Armour material of the shell cellars of the main calibre turrets has been corrected.
  • Syonan - Size of the commander’s bridge has been reduced.
  • HMS Southampton, HMS Liverpool, HMS Belfast - Number, shape and location of the fuel tanks, boiler rooms and engine rooms have been corrected.
  • USS Northampton - Location of the auxiliary cellar has been fixed.
  • USS Trenton, USS Raleigh - The shape of the main calibre turret’s armour and 20mm Oerlikon’s shields have been fixed.
  • Nurnberg, Koln, Leipzig - The shape of frontal armor plates of the main calibre turrets has been fixed.
  • Thunderbolt (PT-556) - The display of the missing 20mm armour shields on the “Oerlikon Mk.II” bow cannon has been removed.
  • USS Northampton — Form and position of the fuel tanks have been fixed.
  • HMS Southampton —Form of the deckhouse armour has been fixed.
  • RN Attilio Regolo, RN Commandanti Medaglie d'Oro — torpedo max speed with enabled modification "Torpedo mode" has been reduced.
  • RN Etna — Radar has been added

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

  • Z32 - Elevator model of the forward main calibre turret has been added.
  • USS Candid - The absence of the gun barrel of the main calibre turret in the X-Ray view has been fixed.
  • Z20 Karl Galster - Models of armour shields of 20-mm units have been corrected.
  • RN Zara, RN Pola - Damaged ship condition that caused the hangar cover to disappear at the front part of the ship has been fixed.
  • RN Pola — Missing mooring stanchions have been added
  • HMS Jervis - Flag animation has been fixed.
  • IJN Satsuki - The original unique camouflage has been returned.
  • Leipzig — A bug with the visual model of the damaged ship which caused the flag to hang in the air has been fixed
  • The zones of possible decoration placements have been expanded


  • Possibility of hiding coal bunkers in X-Ray mode in the hangar has been added.
  • Anti-torpedo bulges and coal bunkers of an enemy ship now disappear in the hit camera after their destruction

Economy and research

  • Ju 88 A-1 / Ju 88 A-4 moved to rank II.
  • He 111 H-6 / He 111 H-16 grouped. 
  • HMS Montgomery - Will become unavailable for purchase after 21st of September


  • The standard camouflage for postwar Japanese ground vehicles has been changed
    • Default one-tone camo has been changed
    • Two-color and multi color camouflages have been corrected (patterns and color correction)
    • Requirements to get one tone post war camo have been reduced
    • New summer and fall camos have been added, both available for completing tasks or Golden Eagles.
  • Forest camouflage of Soviet tanks has been fixed.
  • The bushes decorations from the “Camouflage” section have been updated. The shape and volume have been changed and colour correction has been done.
  • New bush decorations have been added to the “Camouflage” section: pine, olive, autumn wood, banana leaves, straw.
  • New player icons for modern aviation have been added.


  • The reticle in the binoculars has been reworked in naval battles.
  • The interface elements in naval vessels' binoculars have been changed. Part of the unimportant information has been removed or moved under the horizontal reticle scale.
  • The rangefinder range is now tied to the selecting frame on targets in the naval RB.
  • The corrected range is now tied to the target selecting frame in the naval RB. The value shows only the correction entered relative to the rangefinder range.
  • The central cursor circle is hidden in the ship’s binoculars.
  • Target selection frame has been reworked.

Game mechanics

  • Fire control system mechanics have been added to Naval battles. It is the new system for aiming, target acquisition and aiming correction. Fire control system consists of several modules, which can be found on larger ships in different combinations: 
    • Fire control room - usually located within a ship’s hull under the bow superstructure deep below the waterline, or in the superstructure itself. Specific ships may have up to two fire control rooms. This module is responsible for fire solution calculations based on data received from rangefinders and fire directors to correct aiming at acquired targets. If a ship lacks a fire control room, but has rangefinders or director control towers, fire solution calculations are made by the bridge.
    • Rangefinders - are located on different levels of the superstructure and in main calibre turrets. Rangefinders measure distance to an enemy ship.
    • Director Control Tower (DCT) - located in the superstructure top and sides in special towers. The DCT is responsible for measuring the target's distance, bearing and speed.

When the system is operating, all modules are intact, (particularly including the fire control room), a player has to lock on target, wait for the calculation to complete and fire a ranging shot. After that, the lead marker appears on the water surface in AB, or in RB, a convergence marker in binoculars

  • Turret markers have been reworked for naval battles. Status of each turret is pinned at the screen’s bottom. 
    • Turret is broken - red circle.
    • Turret is in the dead zone - grey circle.
    • Turret is ready to fire - green circle.
    • Overheat is in process - red filler inside the circle indicator.
    • Reload is in process - green filler inside the circle indicator.
    • Turret is aiming - the circle is dimmed.
  • A projectile drop marker has been added to the ship's binoculars. This marker shows up-to-date information about the averaged place of shells falling both horizontally and in range.


  • Nvidia DLSS supersampling has been updated to version 2.2. The update improves image quality, as well as reduces artefacts and ghosting, especially in low light conditions
  • An option has been added for choosing the resolution to display textures on dynamic effects created with particles
  • Visual effects of large calibre round hits (from 80 to 480 mm) have been increased for all surfaces. 
  • Visual effects of shells hitting the water have been reworked for all shells.
  • Visual effects of explosions of torpedoes, depth charges and mines have been reworked. Differences in the visual appearance of an underwater explosion depending on the amount of explosive have been added.
  • Visual effects of explosions of different types have been reworked for coastal and bluewater fleets.
  • Visual effects of fires of different types have been reworked for coastal and bluewater fleets.
  • Splash effects have been added for ship hulls collision with waves.
  • Assets disappear when moving out from the player now equal for all (not depending on graphics settings).


  • The sounds of all machine guns and automatic cannons of ground vehicles, ships and aircraft have been reworked. The principle of formation of the sounds of rapid-fire guns have been changed in order to more adequately and realistically sound the high rate of fire.
  • The engine sounds of the ground vehicles have been reworked so that the engine RPM better reflects the load falling on it. The RPM changes more noticeably when driving uphill, shifting gears, slipping, etc. Also the power in the area of low frequencies has been added.
  • Maximum volume of the engine of the player's vehicle has been increased.
  • Game volume settings have been reseted with the update release to the values at which the game mix has been configured.
  • Volumes of sounds of material under tracks and wheels of ground vehicles are now independent of volume of the player's engine.
  • All sounds of surfaces under tracks and wheels of player's ground vehicles have been reworked. Also new types of surfaces have been added. Now there is water, earth, sand, snow, concrete (asphalt, paving stones), liquid mud, and ice (frozen ponds).
  • Aircraft of the Phantom type now have authentic engine sounds.

War Thunder is now out for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S platforms. Hope you will be satisfied with this article. Don’t forget to bookmark our page if you want to read more game updates and news

Source: Gaijin Entertainment

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